Prologue (9k words/skipable⚠️)

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     « George Davidson. Where do I even begin? You are the most perfect being I have ever met. Since the moment you entered my life, you outshined everything else. You are my morning sun, and the stars of the night sky. I always considered myself to be good, and yet you have made me impossibly better of a man. You made me whole.

Dream spoke from the heart, as he remembers very well the moment George entered his life. It was a Tuesday, on a bright sunny day. The summer vacation had just ended and another school year had begun for the students of L'manberg. Yesterday had been back-to-school day. Students had been assigned their classes, timetable, and maybe a tour for the newbies. But that wasn't Dream's case. He was a sophomore.

Today, classes were officially starting. He'd rather not comment on the classmates he got. Eh, at least he got his best friend Sapnap with him. They both grew up in the country's capital city, and ever since they were eleven they were inseparable. They were those types of friends which if you were looking for one of them, then people would just tell you to look for the other as they'd be together for sure.

You would have guessed it, he loves his friends. Dearly. This is why on this wonderful Tuesday morning, first day of  his sophomore year, he was walking to high school by his friend's side. Their first class was Geography, how cool is that?  Not so cool actually.

When they arrived they had their little ritual to stop at Sapnap's locker — as it was closer to the entrance — before classes so they could wait for their other friend, Bad.

Oh, that was just a nickname! That guy may be named BadBoyHalo but he was the kindest soul ever. But this morning Bad was nowhere to be seen. It's odd, they weren't by all means early, they ran a couple minutes late actually — thanks to Sapnap having a "bad hair day"— and Bad was never late.

When Dream mentioned Bad's absence to Sapnap he got a surprising answer:

"Remember how the teacher was muttering to himself at some point during attendance yesterday? Well, there's some new guy joining our class today. He wasn't there yesterday because his flight got delayed or something"

Then Sapnap just nonchalantly turned back to his locker grabbing a couple notebooks, throwing some inside in return.

When asked how he knew all that he replied that Bad gave him all that information. And how did Bad get those informations? He had been deemed trustworthy enough by their teacher and therefore asked to give the new kid a tour to help him feel at ease in a new place.
See, told you he was the kindest soul ever.

 As he got over the fact there would be no Bad today, he heard a familiar voice calling their names from not so far away.  He then turned to see what it was all about, all while Sapnap's head comically peaked from behind his locker's door.
Dream smiled as he saw Bad waving at them before turning back and making some gesture to someone behind him.

That's when he acknowledged the fact someone was in fact with Bad. He tried to get a look at the person but he couldn't see much.
Though from what he got; a shorter boy was standing behind Bad, his figure being hid by their friend.
Dream got curious, that had got to be the new kid. Now he really wanted a peek.

Eh, don't blame him! Curiosity killed the cat...

But as Dream was finally about to see the boy much clearly, Bad stepped forward completely blocking his view again. Nevertheless he wasn't going to give up just yet... Until the bell rang and the students came swarming in the halls, rushing to their classes.

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