Chapter three

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He turned over in his sleep, though now much more awake than asleep. He'd say he is in that confusing feeling when you're half awake and half asleep at the same time.
But right now he wanted to be in denial and tell his body that his sleep cycle was in fact not completed at all yet.

Well that didn't work. Screw his subconscious for being stronger than his will. He groaned in displeasure against his own self; it was too early to philosophy-ing.

But how early "early" actually is? Only one way to find out now.
He begrudgingly opened his eyes attempting to rub the tiredness off of them. He looked around the room hoping that through the window he'd catch a glimpse of the outside, therefore he'd be able to theorize what time it was.

Their blinds were broken and in the mean time of their laziness they just put up black curtain to cover the light away when they slept.

Indeed fixing curtains to the wall was much more work than calling some random handyman to fix the blinds but someone insisted they didn't need one, and he would fix the blinds by himself.
Even at home he had to be this big prideful hero uh?

So in the end, fixing temporary curtains was deemed much easier than getting all the supply and energy to fix the blinds. Pretty great logic indeed.

But he guesses he can't say anything, he just went with it too. He didn't really do much to stop the man from giving into his own stubbornness.

Now he's starting to think those black curtains should just stay here because it was much more convenient to tell the time of day this way.
Like right now he could tell you it was around eight in the morning.

That was so early! It was Sunday morning, no one willingly got up so early on a Sunday morning!

Nevertheless there was no falling back asleep. In consequences he just decided he'd find another way to pass the time. He went and reached for his phone on his bedside table.
He unplugged the device and brought it right in front of his face to get it unlocked. This proved to be a stupid idea because he ended up blinded by the bright luminosity on his phone.

Checking the time he realized he was right. Or approximately right. It was precisely 8:23 in the morning. Look at him, he was so cracked though.
He laughed silently to himself as to not wake up the snoring man beside him. – Oh well, that's not true, because if it were he would have made the other sleep on the couch a long time ago but sush. Sure, Love is about getting through everything except for snoring and heavy breathing at night.

As he stared at the time he couldn't help but feel he was missing something. It made him frown, that feeling was terrible. Maybe worse than the feeling of waking up too early on a resplendent Sunday morning. But that feeling was telling him something for sure :
Yeah, he was definitely forgetting about something. But what? Did today was some kind of special day? He doesn't think he has a stream planned or neither any YouTube upload scheduled today. It wasn't any sort of anniversary either. Then what...

Oh. Yes it was in fact some sort of anniversary today. It was the guy's one year anniversary since they had became the DreamTeam.
And they were supposed to get to Dream and George's house at 9:30 so they could get some last minute check ups and a secret upgrade.

He was proud to say he was George's accomplice on that one.
He didn't really do anything because he didn't have the competences to mingle with George's new found magical modern technology, but he was deemed worthy enough to have been made aware of the man's secret plan.
And he loved the thrill of keeping the secret. Each day would go where he remembered he knew something exciting no one else did.

The three heroes had no idea they were getting a costume upgrade, in their minds it was just a regular check up followed by a friendly hang out at the team leader's house then some nice lunch before the big moment. Ah! What a bunch of nimrods.

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