Chapter twenty two

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« – He most certainly is not [a part of the hero team]. A voice he knew very well boomed. George turned and was rendered utterly breathless and speechless, all color draining from his face for sure. 

   – If you'll allow me. I'll take it from here. The man said with charisma and easiness. 

   – Chief Sam. » George said with a nerve-wracking attitude.

The man but looked down at him, sparing him a cold glare and stoic expression.

He turned back to the cameras and reporters yelling his name, begging for his attention, for answers, any information they could get out of him.
He straightened his back and stood shoulder square, hands behind his back.

   « – Chief Sam do you believe the Aces are making a comeback? »; « Is the Police ready to handle it? »; « Are we still safe in the capital city? »; « What does this mean for people's family? »; « Are we to expect more attacks from now on? »; « Do you believe such attacks will be perpetuated again? »; « What's gonna happen next? »; « Has the Police made any decisions yet? »; « Will the government speak about it? »; « What about the prefect? »; « Chief Sam!»; « Chief... »; «... Sam »

George wasn't meant to be here. It wasn't his scene. Why did he come here. He should be home right now. Home waiting for Dream. Dream would make it right, reassure him, reassure everybody that everything was A-okay!

What if Dream was heading home now? He should leave...

« – People, People! I assure you everything is right under control. Sam started loudly, getting everyone's attention, including George now snapped out of his trance.

Waiting for silence Sam went on :

  – We were not able to anticipate tonight's attack, whether it be the fire or the break in. However, we were able to counter it and act fast. This failed attempt from the Aces is a success to us, as now we know what they're up to. The Aces are back, but we will be ready. We may never know what they'll do next, but whatever it is, the Police will always be here to protect you. The people will never be left to fend for themselves. And one day sure enough the Heroes will put an end to this once and for all. And we'll help them through the best we can, but we can't do that before assuring the people's safety first. So again, I assure you, everything is fine. We'll have it all under control in no time, you have my words. »

Having de-escalated the situation the Chief of Police lowered the mics from his face.

Then ever so slowly he turned to George.

« – As for you. He began, voice dripping with something unsweet, if not sour, bitter.

   – Surely my commander has told you already, but you are going to follow me down at the station for questioning and testimony.
   – Listen, I get it, I truly do Chief Sam.

   – It will be sir for you. He spat at him with disdain

   – Listen, sir. George shot back with the same energy, now starting to lose patience.

   – All of this, it's a misunderstanding. Everything has gotten way out of hand. I understand why you need to do what you must, but I can't tonight. I already played way too big doing what I did tonight. I don't have time to spare for you. I can tell you anything you need to know about what happened in the DSMP quarter, and if you give me a time and place I'll happily come and answer any of your questions.

   – Right, that's not how the procedure goes. And I don't know who you think who you are to believe you deserve an exception but let me tell you this one, you're no hero yet.

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