Chapter twenty three

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Groaning and turning over in his bed, George was finally awakening.

Going to check the time with his phone, he rubbed his eyes, plopping down, his head bouncing on his pillow one last time before he sat up, stretching and yawning.

Looking to his right, he quickly took notice of the fact Dream's spot was very much so empty, meaning his dirty blonde husband had already rose and shone — but really, when did he not anyway?

George also quickly took notice of the smell crawling his way upstairs and up his nostrils.
That meant he still had a chance to share breakfast with Dream.

Slumping down the stairs and dragging his feet across their wooden floor, George finally made it to the kitchen.

There he found Dream with a bowl of cereal as well toast with strawberry jam and to top it all a glass of orange juice.

George grabbed an empty bowl and the discarded carton of milk left on the count, and slid them on the table with a thudd.

Passing by his husband to get seated he kissed him good morning, an offering the taller gladly took in.

« – Hi. He croaked at the other, trying to fight sleep away.

   – Well someone had a good night sleep then? He said softly with a hint of chuckle in his, morning, voice.

   – I don't even remember falling back asleep. Were you the one that got me upstairs or was it all a dream? He asked dubiously as he was filling up his bowl with the Dream's leftover cereal, then grabbing the milk, pouring it in.

   – Oh trust me everything that happened yesterday was very much real. 

« Hold on I forgot a spoon » George muttered as he made his way across the kitchen.

Dream paid him no mind, just stiring his cereal bowl mindlessly.

    – Okay I got it, What did you say again ?

    – I said yesterday was ass, and that's a fact.

    – How come ? Did something went wrong? No one died I hope ! George gasped, acting clueless.

    – No, nothing like that, thankfully everyone was fine, Sam called back, said the hospital gave them news, no one is in critical situation, but they did kept people over night just in case.

    – Okay... That's good.

And this time George was honest, because with everything that happened yesterday he didn't take the time to check on the Lemon Tree situation. He just assumed it all went well if Dream and the others came to the interrogation room with him that night.

    – No, the problem was that... And the  Dream stopped himself, feeling interrupted as the new reporter on the TV — which he liked to have turned on with breakfast when thing were too quiet — peeked his interest suddenly.

     – ... Him. He finally concluded with an unreadable face.

This confused George. Dream looked a mixture of angry, pissed off and slightly annoyed. But he didn't look that mad either.

Turning his head to the TV in their living room, George watched as Gia gave the usual morning news.

And that's when he saw his own face. Well, not his face per say, but he still knew that was him. They were discussing him, they were discussing 404 and all that went down yesterday.

George isn't sure how he should feel about this. His stomach dropped, but he definitely still felt an ounce of pride in there too.

Turning back to look at his husband, he asked :

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