Chapter seven

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Upon hearing the words and watching George's gestuals the boys got a little suspicious. All three shared a knowing look without really knowing what was going on.

« – Well? We haven't got all day, chop chop. » George clapped his hands together once on each "chop" to accentuate his already bossy tone.

Nothing happened for another two whole seconds, but seeing the frustration growing on his husband face, Dream just shrugged, urging his friend to follow his lead into just transforming already.

Dream went first but got stopped by Sapnap. He shot the man a questioning look, confused by his behavior. Then Sapnap shot his eyes back down to his own hands, and Dream followed his gaze. Turned out Sapnap was doing a countdown so they would all do it together.

Dream nodded and watch the other repeat the same action to Bad. Once he had received confirmation from the other, he started the real countdown. He mouthed "on three" and silently spoke every number as he put a finger down.

When all his fingers went down they all activated their costumes together.

Dream put his left index on the ring of his left hand ring finger.
Sapnap quickly went to tie his bracelet tightly around his wrist.
And Bad just reached up to his glasses to click the power up button.

The process was quite fascinating to say the least. One of George's expertise domain was connecting technology to the mind. And it was basically how it worked.

Well, to be more precise, and yet not too much, once around the skin the small pieces he created would stuck to it's bearer's skin. No litteraly, they all had microscopic, painless, claws digging in the skin without tearing it so it could reach the blood and communicate with the body. Why? Simply because the blood in your system goes everywhere, including the brain.
And that's how he links the disguised magical gadgets to the mind. Oh and not to mention, your blood carried the magic within you, usually it is what George extracted it from.

And truly it is fascinating, you'd never imagine how much the smallest drop of your blood contain in term of magic.

But anyway.

Essentially, it was more responsive to the mind than your mind were to it. So once they got powered on, it litteraly took less than a second for the supersuit to get into action.

It would start forming from where it was activated, and spread all around the body until all of it is fully covered and protected.

George watched with a smug smile as they did so.

« – Ok we did it, now what?

  – Well now you take a look in the mirror Sapnap. »

Although confused, the raven head obliged and took a look at himself in the big mirror covered wall on their left.

« – Oh what the fuck. He muttered in stupefaction.

His costume had so definitely changed.

  – Language! Bad scolded at him before turning to look at his own self.

  – Wait, what the muffin ? That's why something felt different. »

Dream lost in the situation, turn to look at his friend, immediately noticing the change of appearance. He then got a glance of himself too, unintentionally.

« – What did you do? He asked his husband, somewhat in disbelief, somewhat skeptically.

   – I upgraded your supersuit! It's like an anniversary gift, don't thank me. George answered with a proud grin. »

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