Chapter nine

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« – Today was awesome! Yelled out the blonde as he threw himself on the couch.

Back at the door, his husband chuckled locking it shut.

   – I'm sure it was. But I couldn't tell, the country never organized a day in my name ever before. He answered back, taking a seat on the sofa, shuffling his husband away before sitting down, putting his head on his lap.

   – Well they should. You're like, totally awesome! I mean come on... None of this would have happened without that brain of yours.

Looking up, Dream shot mesmerized eyes at George, with a tooth full grin. In response the brunet looked back down at him with even - if that was humanly possible - more softness in his brown eyes, and a soft laugh.

   – Oh shut up you. You got to say that, I'm your husband. He joked, combing the other's hair with his fingers.

   – Yeah, and I wouldn't have it any other way. » Dream confessed, getting himself up on his elbows in order to reach his lover's face and kiss it.

« – I don't think nothing could ever beat this. Softly spoke the smaller.

  – And I think you are absolutely right. » Sincerely answered his lover, both eyes closed shut and his forehead against his.

The next morning things went back to the way they used to be :

Waking up in their shared bed at 8:30, while one was showering the other made breakfast -that is if they weren't trying to save water by showering together from time to time- Then have said breakfast together. This whole process kept them busy until 9:30, that's when they started working.

Dream would enclose himself in his office reading mails from the merch company, or looking at editors cv his manager send him -though he made it clear he was very keen on staying true to himself-. After that he would start up Minecraft and train for tricks that might come in handy for future recording. Then his friend would join starting a voice call which was his cue to start coding the next plug-in they'll use. Usually he was done with all that by 1:30 in the afternoon.

As for George, it could either way. Option one today he was working from home either in the living room, or the kitchen, or the bedroom, his secret home lab or the office he had paid for too... But he wasn't a difficult man, has long as he had a PC, a piece of paper and a pencil.
Now option B, he was working at the SMP laboratory and wouldn't be back home until 4 P.M

Though the couple did have breakfast and dinner together each day, they rarely shared lunch together during the days of the week.

Dream couldn't wait for George to get on lunch break at 2 PM because between 1:30 and 2:45 he had his daily workout to complete. Then at 3 o'clock sharp he was out on patrol. Don't get him wrong he loved his husband, but both parties wouldn't be too happy if he put himself in such high risk over something as little as lunch break. So they both agreed it wasn't the end of the world in they had to separate that one time of the day.

Finally when both got home from a tiring day of work balancing multiple lives at once, they would get dinner started together, have it, pretend to watch tv until 11:30 and head off to bed before finally dozing off at around 1 A.M

And then the same old routine would start over again. Just like it would today. Yesterday may have been special but today is just any another ordinary day.

Wake up, shower, breakfast, work from home -Today was also George's day working from home-, lunch, workout, patrol, more work, dinner, timeout, sleep.

Except that today, once George had watch Dream leave the house through one of the sewer-connected tunnels, he didn't get back to work like he usually would. Instead he double checked to make sure he would indeed be alone for the next hours. Once he was sure Dream was gone he closed his laptop and headed straight to his husband's indoor gym on the ground floor.

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