Chapter nineteen

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Three AM, darkness, quietness except for the soft snoring and purring coming from the bed.
The blinds were close shut, shielding away the sunrays reflecting on the moon. It was full tonight. As full as any of the household members' hands were about to get.

For among the calmness and the peace of the night an alarm blasted through Dream and George's bedroom, efficiently waking them both up at once.

Dream sat up, eyes wide and not quite understanding what the actual fuck was happening. George abruptly opened his eyes with a gasp, panicked by the loud noise.

« - Clay what the actual fuck is this?

- I don't know! He stuttered, looking around as if his eyes would just magically adapt to the darkness all of a sudden.

- What do you mean 'you don't know', whatever it is, it's clearly coming from your phone, stop it before we get a noise complaint! »

Too tired to even counter back or scoff at the fact the first thing George cared about was their neighbor, Dream just stared at him for a second, utterly lost and confused by this whole situation. His brain was just forcing itself to process the information as best as it could.

Ultimately he decided to turn to his left and grabbing his phone. He unplugged it to be able to bring it to his face.
However he winced as the light flashed him.
Yet he had no shot to lower the luminosity as he couldn't do anything, his phone remaining completely useless and unusable until he found a way to stop the alarm.

Squinting his eyes by the furrow of his brows — anger slowly taking over him — he stared at the screen trying to decipher the situation.

He finally came to understand what was happening, his mind now much less tired and very much more awaken then a second ago.

It looked as if he were being hacked by a strange phone call that seemed like it came from the SBI — Security and Balance Inter-organisation — itself.

Which in a way was kinda the case.

This wasn't something he had set up but something Head of Police Chief Sam had implanted in his Phone specifically. His and every member of the Dteam for that matter.

This was an emergency line, meaning the ringtone and any light or sound effect produced by the calling had been chipped, chosen, and put in by the Police itself.

However there was one thing Dream had control over and it was wether or not he would be answering. For as any phone call the ringing would come to an end eventually, unless with a push of a button.

They had settled for three minutes of constant blaring, which seemed smart the day they agreed to it. Three minutes was a handful of time, it left them enough time to rush to their phone in case it wasn't nearby or lost in the house.

Which was the exact reason why Dream would be answering the call right now. He was not seeing himself handling three minutes of constant pain in the ass tonight. Plus that also meant a pissy husband tomorrow and as much as he hated to admit it, problems with the neighbors too.

Their house was soundproof, sure, but it was just that loud.

And yeah he also cares about the possible emergency situation going down right now.

Sparing a glance at a confused George he answered the call.

Waiting for the line to connect he saw George relaxing in his peripheral vision. His eyes never leaving him as his hands uncovered his ears. And then he asked with a soft tired voice :

" Dream, what's going on? "

And as much as it was good to be back on Dream term, he had no time to answer as the line finally picked up.

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