Chapter five

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TW : for swear words I guess?

« – Oh my gosh, Zak Behave a little! The brunet said turning over to judgementally stare at his raven haired boyfriend.

   – I litteraly am, what do you mean! The other defended himself, his arms flying to the air for dramatic effect.

   – Well you could at least try and look like you're being held against your will!

   – I kinda am anyway. I'd rather be home. Couldn't you guys just celebrate your super awesome anniversary on your own, in your respective private circle or something?

   – What! No, we're a team! Plus we said that we'd took the opportunity to announce... » However he was abruptly cut off in his annoyed rant by the sound of footsteps behind the door and the rattling of the door handle.

When the door opened he straightened up, turning right back to greet his friend with a smiling face. In all honesty it was pretty scary for Skeppy to witness how quickly Bad could just change his mood and facial expression like that.
While basking in his own confusion and concern he completly blocked out the short and formally polite discussion taking place next to him. He came back to his senses, only after getting "subtly" elbowed in the side by Bad.

He furrowed his brows muttering a small aw. When he looked back up he was met with a contorted smile and eyes that were either pleading for him to not embarrass them or yelling at him for borderline having embarrassed them already. He could have chosen to just mature up and do the right thing but instead he only stared right back in a challenging way. And if it had just been the two of them he probably would have stuck his tongue out too in the childish way he knew Bad loved and hated at the same time.

But instead after losing an eternal battle of will – which truly had only lasted an awkwardly long two seconds – he finally gave his attention to their hosts and friends.

He greeted them a simple “Hi.” then, silence. No one had answered yet. He tensed up quickly realizing he had no idea what he was supposed to say or do.

Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Bad pinching his nose and rubbing his closed eyes in disapproval. Well now he feels terrible.

In font of him Dream and George just shared a look before they burst out laughing.

What the fuck? What could they have possibly said that responding "hi" would have made the situation so hilarious.

« – Oh poor little Skeppy you'll never change will ya? George mocked in a high pitch baby voice.

He hates when he does that. For some reason ever since he figured out his username was Skeppy he just couldn't let go of it, and he has no idea what is so funny about it, it's just a word! But George had made his life goal to constantly mock him by calling him by his internet name in a silly little voice. He found that old joke so funny when truthfully, it just isn't!
But whatever, he was better then that so he would not stoop as low as George's level and will simply not react at all. Plus, he didn't want to get his ass kicked by either Dream or Bad for saying something undesirable. Therefore, he alternatively decided to just stared at the man with flushed cheeks of a red colored embarrassment.

   – We asked you how you were man. Dream eventually admitted. I guess the timing wasn't ideal, what got you so worked up anyway?

   – Nothing. I'm fine, you?

He quickly glanced at Bad to see he seemed somewhat satisfied with his answer but he knew he could do better. Truth to be told, Skeppy also knew that, and maybe he should have done a bit better, if just to make him proud.
   – Yeah, We're good thanks. Why don't you guys just come on in?

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