Chapter Five

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By the end of the week, I had all my stuff moved down to the bedroom in the basement. The basement consisted of two guest rooms, a bathroom for each and a family room.

Alec helped me move some of the bigger stuff earlier in the week, even though I fought against him. Eventually, I gave in and accepted his help. It was nice of them to let me move into the basement. And it was nice to not be around them all the time.

The less I was around, the less Lilian would be irritated. The less Alec would have to put up with her shitty attuide. She was so much like her parents, a copy of each of them.

Soon enough, it was Friday. And Lilian had been asking questions like crazy. She made it clear that she didn't believe I was going out nor that I had friends picking me up.

It was early Friday morning when I waited for Sasha at the front door with an overnight bag and my backpack.

"You should leave before you're late for school." Lilian said as she leaned against the doorway with her hands wrapped around her mug.

"My friend is picking me up. I've told you this."

"Come on, Lyra. No one-"

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Sasha was standing there with a smile. "Hey, are you ready? River and Teddy are in the car too."

"Yeah." I grabbed my bags and glanced at Lilian.

Her expression was pure shock.


Sasha gave Lilian a smile. "I'm Sasha."

"Lilian." She stood up straight and gave her a forced smile. "Have a good night, Lyra."

"You too." I mumbled before following Sasha to her white Ranger Rover.

"Teddy and River are sitting in the back. Front seats yours."

"Ly!" Teddy squealed like a little girl opening her Christmas presents.

"Hey, Teddy. River." I said before buckling my seatbelt.

River didn't say anything and leaned against the window. "Of fucking course you're actually coming." He mumbled a moment later, causing Teddy the elbow him. "I didn't know you guys were serious."

Once Sasha was in the car, we made our way to school before stopping for coffee.

River had yet to say anything else while Teddy and Sasha were arguing playfully about the party.

"I'm telling you I should be the one hosting this party." Teddy said with his arms crossed.

"You're doing the Halloween party." Sasha rolled her eyes. "You can't throw all the parties."

"Mine would be a lot better."

"Yeah yeah." River squeezed Teddy's shoulder. "We'll just make sure your Halloween party is ten times better than this one."

"You're going to have to get the good hook ups then, Man. August said his guy is out of town."

River nodded with a small smile. "Don't worry, I already asked Landon."

A grin spread across Teddy's face, which made me bite back my smile. "Fuck, I love you."

"Don't be dramtic-"

"Just tell him you love him, or he won't stop." Sasha cut in.

"Trust me I know, I had to deal with him all the years prior to you, Sash. Which only proves my love for him."

"I'm not that bad to deal with." Teddy mumbled.

As the car stopped only a few seconds later, we all looked at Teddy, calling out his lie. While I hadn't known Teddy long, I've worked with him long enough to realize he's high maintenance.

"Come on!" He groaned and got out of the car. River copied Teddy as soon as we started laughing.

"Teddy and I are both really happy you agreed to come tonight. Ignore River, he'll be less grumpy tonight."

"If he doesn't like me, I don't have to-"

"I don't care what he thinks. It doesn't matter if he likes you or not, we like you. He'll stop being a dickhead soon. He's not over Emily, no matter what he claims."

I assumed Emily would be a rather easy person to get over considering. He was like her, which is why they must have been together so long.

"He's a dumbass who still loves her even though he dumped her." Sasha grabbed her purse and applied some lip gloss. "And why? Trust me, I don't know why he'd still love her. There are very few times that I've seen her make him happy. "

I nodded before grabbing my bag.

"Now," Sasha reached behind her seat and grabbed her back. "Let's just get today over with. I heard they might let us skip last period because of the game."

"Doesn't it start at four?"

She shrugged. "I'm not complaining." She said as we both got out of the car.

I slipped my backpack on before following Sasha. As we made our way to the door, I saw both River and Teddy were waiting and talking quietly to each other.

"Are you over your fit?" Sasha asked Teddy as we got closer.

"I didn't have a fit. And I am not high maintenance, Babe."

"You're right. I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her. "So sorry."

Teddy pulled her closer to him before he brushed his nose against hers. "Come with me to my class."

"You know I have art."

"I guess I'll just have to force Lyra to sit with us then."

I looked at Teddy and almost shook my head. "You two do far too much talking for me to be able to concentrate."

"Well that's something you do when you have friends, Williams. Obviously you have very little experience with that." River said.

I raised a brow at him and shrugged. "Okay? You know your friends are the ones that want me around right?"

A smirk spread across his plump lips. "We'll see. Teddy, let's go." He pulled the door open.

Teddy sighed and kissed Sasha before following after River.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. He's just a dick."

"Still. I hate that he's one of my best friends." Sasha pouted. "He's so fucking smackable!"

My expression broke as I laughed. "I'd love to hit him."

"It's fun. Other then him still having that smug look on his face after."

"Of course."

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