Chapter Fifty Six

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She looked sooo good in that dress.

She had a sheer gold open sweater type thing, to cover her arms I assume without it looking too odd to others.

Sasha had clearly done her hair, not a hair out of place, her waves with shiny and bouncy. Ly had done her makeup, I could always tell when she did Sash's makeup.

"I'm lucky." Teddy mumbled as his eyes never left Sasha.

He always looked at her that way, unable to ever look away, or to hide his smile. He was proud of her, proud to be her boyfriend.

We followed the girls to the middle of the packed room where everyone was dancing.

The club was packed, lights flashing around the room as the song changed.

The night faded quickly as the clock hit 11:59 and the DJ made the announcement. "Everyone grab someone and get ready to welcome the New Year!"

My eyes dropped to Lyra as Sasha let go of her to throw herself into Teddy's arms.

Her eyes met mine as the room erupted in a countdown.

"5...4...3..2...1!!!" Confetti fell from the ceiling as the clock hit midnight and most people kissed the person in front of them.

I wanted to kiss Lyra, it may have been the alcohol talking, but I almost didn't care and kissed her.

The music started again as everyone went back to dancing and partying.

Her hand brushed against mine and it lit my chest on fire.


Ever since I told her I had kissed her on Halloween... I could hardly take my eyes off of her.

Lyra knew a lot, too much.

She knew far more than she should have known. Which was my fault due to a moment of weakness.

Teddy held his hand up to his mouth and tipped it back. Letting me know they were going to grab another drink.

I shook my head and he leaned over to Lyra.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" I dipped my head down, whispering against her ear while keeping my eyes on Teddy and Sasha at the bar.


I pressed my lips against her neck. "You aren't going to be able to walk tomorrow morning when I'm done with you. I'll have to bring you breakfast in bed."

Lyra turned her head back slightly to check. "That's a bold claim."

She loved to push me, tease me. She loved this game.

"Not a claim. It's a fact. You are going to have body shaking orgasms later." My hand trailed up her arm before standing up straight.

Tonight I forgot about everything, about all the issues and problems that had been shadowing over my life. Including Ivy.

Being around Lyra made her memory less painful.

I felt different. It felt different with her.

Teddy tossed the pizza box onto the counter as Sasha hiccuped. "Bring food to bed, Teddy. Goodnighttttt." She called as she turned down the hall to their room.

Teddy yawned. "Night, Guys."

He got a plate for food and brought it down to their room. Sasha would almost definitely be passed out by the time he got there.

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