Chapter Sixty Five

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"River, it's too much." I pushed the black velvet box towards him.

"It's a gift."

"A gift doesn't cost thousands of dollars."

He raised one of his dark brows at me. "Do you not remember what you got me for my birthday?"

"Birthday gifts are the exception."

"You don't get to make the rules. Sorry." He kissed me. "If you don't like it, we can go pick one out together."

"What? Stop." I shook my head. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much."

I looked down at the diamond necklace, the entire necklace had diamonds on it, the centre one being bigger than all the others.

It was so beautiful and sparkly.

I couldn't believe he bought this just for me. It wasn't for anyone else.

He took it out of the box and moved my hair to the side. His fingers brushed against my collarbone and then my neck as he clasped it.

I touched it gently as a smile touched my lips.
It was so beautiful.

"You better keep that on with my jersey." He played with the hem of his jersey.

He was wearing his red basketball jersey today for his game and I was wearing the black one he had.

It was his and Teddy's first game over the year, Sasha and I were going to be sitting with River's parents for the game.

Sasha was also wearing Teddy's jersey, with his number 5 on it.

"I'm not going to take your jersey off."

"Good. It wouldn't be very supportive of you."

I rolled my eyes while my smile widened. "I am very supportive of you."

He pulled me closer. "The absolute best."

"Good luck!" I told River before he kissed me hard, and ran off the his bench.

Sasha grabbed my hand as we went over to Miranda and Thomas who had been saving our seats.

The game started rather quickly, River took centre and knocked the ball to Teddy who dribbled it down the court, dodging the other team's defence, successfully passing the ball over to William and getting a basket.

Teddy and River led their team together and had 31-23 two minutes before half time.

As the clock counted down, I made my way out of the gym and into the hallway. I opened my bag and started to dig around for the keys River gave me to the locker room.

"Hi." A voice surprised me, causing me to jump. "Sorry, I was just looking for somewhere to get water."

I looked up and found a tall, blonde guy a few feet away from me. He had kind eyes and a big smile. He was dressed in a pair of light washed jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Hi. Up the stairs and take a right. There's vending machines."

"Are you a girlfriend of a player?" His dark blue eyes dropped to my jersey.

I raised a brow at him. "No. Just here supporting a friend."

"Younger brothers on the other team."

I nodded. "Which one is your brother?"


The doors swung open and River appeared, coming up beside me. "Hi, Baby."

The blonde boy's face twisted with confusion.
River looked over at him. "Sorry, but I have to take her away. Try hitting on someone else's girl." He grabbed her hand and pulled me around the corner,

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