Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Thank you." River mumbled against my lips, pulling up his sweatpants.

Teddy and Sasha weren't even gone for five minutes before I finished the handjob they interrupted earlier.

"Do you want to come down to the gym with me? We can shower together after."

"I'm not staying the night."

"A shower is hardly staying the night."

"I have to study. My sister's going to be mad if I don't get home tonight."

"What time is your exam?" River leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's at ten. It's for my photography class."

"You have an exam in that?" He raised a brow.

"Not exactly. I have to explain my portfolio."

"Stay then. I'll listen and then we can shower together."

"Nice try." I smiled and patted his chest. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"What time does your sister leave for work?" He caught my wrist before I could leave.

"Seven Thirty."

"I'm coming over with coffee and breakfast."
There was no point in arguing with River. He was going to come over regardless of what I wanted.

"You have to promise to come over after she's gone. You're a little clingy, you know. It's weird."

"Exams stress me out. Exams are also almost over, so is our week. The way I feel about you hasn't changed."

"Good. I'll see you in the morning."

River was there at 7:33. Three minutes after Lilian pulled out of the drive way. Rivier came through the side door that led to the basement.

Alec was still here, but he wouldn't come question River's car. He wouldn't make a big deal about it. He'd assume it's Teddy or Sasha.

"Hey." River held out the tray of coffee to me as he followed me to sit on the couches.

"Thank you." I placed the tray down and grabbed my coffee out of it, passing him his. He handed me a white bag.

"Breakfast. Eat."

"Orrrr." I moved beside him and my lips found his neck.

"I want you to eat."

"You're grumpy."

He shook his head. "Eat. If you want any orgasms at all today, you're going to want breakfast."

"I don't think that's how that works."

"It's how we're going to work." He kissed me and pulled me onto his lap. My legs on either side of him.

I kissed him back, my hands finding his soft hair. River's lips moved hungrily against mine as he gripped my hips.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sorry." A voice said, making us pull away quickly. Alec stood there, his hands over his eyes before he turned around. "I didn't see anything."

I jumped off of River's lap and fixed my shirt.

"I just came down to grab the extra garage key from you. Lil forgot to give mine back.

"Yeah, of course. You can turn around. I'll be right back."

I quickly went down the hall to my room and grabbed the key off my keychain. I was so god damn embarrassed. The one day Alec comes to the basement is when I'm making out with River.

When I brought it back to him, I found him and River talking.

"You're the quarterback?" Alec grinned. "I played during college and high school."

"What school?"


I took my chance to hand him the key. "Here."

"Thanks, Lyra." He smiled. "I'd love to talk to you more sometime."

"You two were talking about football while I was gone?" I asked once Alec left.

"Yes." He sat back down and grabbed a muffin from his bag.

"Is that all?" I sat across from him and sipped my iced coffee.


"I thought you came here for benefits. Not to hang out."

"I just want you to eat. Is that so bad?"

I sat up. "This is hanging out."

"I thought you were going to be less difficult."

"Do you really want to argue? I have an exam soon and you're-"

"That's hardly an exam, Lyra. You're going to sit there for ten minutes and show someone photos you've taken."

"Just leave." I grabbed my folder from the table and went into my room.

"Come on, Lyra!" His voice followed close behind until I closed my door. Locking it.
There was a knock before he tried turning the handle.

"I have to study!"

"Come on, Lyra. Come eat."

"I don't have time to eat and hang out River. You came for benefits, not to hang out. I only have two hours." I sat on my floor, my back pressed against my bed as I laid out all the photos from my folder.

I had gone over this nearly thirty times by now, it should only take five minutes. But I wanted this to be perfect.

"It only takes ten minutes to eat, you know."

"You know the way out."

"You're so fucking mean, Williams. I don't know how they do it. Messing around with you for less than a week has me pulling my hair out."

I ignored him, putting in my AirPods before going over my portfolio once again.

He had a point. Maybe I was too mean, I was a mean, unhappy person. He had been the only person to see it. Teddy and Sasha ignored it.

At some point, River left. I wasn't aware of when, I just knew he was gone by the time I went to my exam.

I was so nervous going into my portfolio presentation for my photography class. My knees bounced up and down as I mentally went over everything in my head again.

I didn't want to mess this up, I couldn't.

I checked the time before looking up and seeing Emily going across the hall. Her hand was around River's wrist as they went into a classroom.

I looked back down at my folder as my stomach turned. I most definitely wouldn't be messing around with River anymore. Especially not after that. I don't want to hook up if he's also sleeping with her.

There's not way Emily was dragging him anywhere else then to fight or have sex.

I wasn't upset, I had nothing to be upset about. I was disgusted because seeing that reminded me that he's slept with her. They were a couple. I don't want to kiss him ever again.

My presentation went by fast and I was so proud of myself for not messing up. I talked about everything I wanted. I explained everything perfectly.

"These are certainly incredible, Lyra." Mrs Parker smiled as she folded her hands in front of her. "This entire semester I have enjoyed every photo you've taken. The way you've developed them. I've never given anyone this before, but considering you've done well on every assignment, task and you've come to class early every single day, along with extra credit work, you're getting 102% in my class." She circled something on the paper in front of me, signing off on it at the bottom and slipping it to me.

I was in shock. 102? A hundred and fucking two percent.

Does that happen?

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me. You did all the work. Whoever taught you knew what they were doing."

A small smile formed on my lips. "Yeah, she did."

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