Chapter Seventy Eight

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"You're obsessed with her."

"Every man is obsessed with his girl."

"Not like you," Teddy told me. "You went to beat the fuck out of Levi Colters? Why wasn't I invited?"

A smile tugged on my lips. "You would have done the exact same thing for Sash."

"You know she signed up to help with the dance? Lyra and Charlotte too."

"Charlotte and Lyra are making some video or something too. Any idea what their dresses look like?"

"Nope," His head fell back against the wall. "I've asked. I've ate. I've begged. Believe me, I've tried. She won't even tell me the colour."


"Like you've been able to get it out of Lyra."

"She claims she's not even wearing a dress and she's never been shopping with Sasha." I rolled my eyes. "They go to great lengths to hide their dresses."

Teddy laughed. "In all honesty, I never thought we'd be discussing our girlfriends shopping together. Considering."

"My mom almost ruined me telling Lyra I love her the other night. I told her her blanket was on my desk, my mom left a note on it, completely outing me. If she had read it, she would have already known."

Everyday she didn't know, every fucking day, was eternal agony. Complete and utter misery, even with her by my side each day.

I was in love with Lyra, it took me so long to understand it. To fully grasp it.

I knew, of course I knew. But my brain never wanted me to tell her more than I did when she was listening to me the day after Valentine's Day.

"You're sure she didn't?"


"My dad accidentally let it slip, they signed all the papers for the apartment."

A grin covered my lips. "Mine too."

"When we get the keys we should surprise the girls."

"You guys coming to the party?" West asked as he went over to the bench opposite us.

"No." We both said.

"Ever since you settled down, you two never party."

"Staying at home is better." I shrugged. "Not being hungover is pretty cool."

Teddy chuckled. "Practicing sober is incredible."

West rolled his eyes. "Come on. When are we gonna all be able to party again?"

"Summer? Breaks?"

"Teddy and Sasha will already have a kid by next summer."

Teddy's brows pulled together. "That's a little rude. Fuck you, Man. At least I'm getting laid. Because you sure as hell aren't."

"Teddy," I elbowed his side. "What's up, West? Don't pick a fight today."

"We never see either of you anymore." He crossed his arms. "We're your friends too."

"We see you at school, at practice, at lunch. At games. Come on, Man."

"We know if you actually made her your girlfriend this would happen."

Teddy immediately grabbed me, holding me back from lunging at him.

"Let go, Teddy."

"If he gives you another warning about Lyra, I'm not holding him back next time."

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