Chapter Sixty Nine

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We had hardly had an hour of sleep before River's phone woke me up after its multiple notifications and missed calls.

River groaned, his arm emerging from under the covers, and switching his phone off before pulling me even closer to him. If that was possible.

He nuzzled his face back into my neck, one leg swung over me. "I'll make it up to you once we get some sleep."

"You're okay." I smiled against his soft curls.

It wasn't more than a couple later that we were loudly woken up by banging on our door. "I swear, River."

"I'm going." He muttered, grabbing his boxer and slipping them on before going over to the door.

I sat up, gathering the blankets and holding them tightly to my body.

"It's Kol. Give me a second." He mumbled as he grabbed his pyjamas pants and slipped out the door.

What the actual fuck.

What was so goddamn important? And how did he even find us?

While he was in the hallways, I took the opportunity to get dressed and get some water and an apple before curling back up in bed.

When the door finally opened, River looked at me and told Kol to stay outside the room before closing the door in his face.

"Ly, we need to talk?"

My heartbeat increased as panic filled me.

How did I fuck up this time?

I stared blankly at him as he approached the bed. "What do you mean? Is everything okay?"

"I know I told you today we were going to spend the day together here, but," he let out a frustrated sigh, "I really need to take care of something. I am sorry."

I stared at him, searching his eyes as if they'd tell me the truth.

"Is everything okay?"

He nodded while slipping on his shirt. "You can stay here and I'll be back when I can."

He clearly wasn't going to tell me what was going on, so I wasn't going to pry. I wasn't going to stay here all day only for him to come back at like eleven tonight.

"No, I'd like to leave. I don't have my car."


"I'd like to leave."

"Kol will take you home."

I raised a brow at him. "I'd much rather walk."

"Lyra, stop being fucking difficult right now. I'll have my driver bring you home then."

I got out of the bed and grabbed my stuff that was around the room.

"Is he sober at least, River? Because I'll find my own way home if not. You can't take me home?"

"I'm not going back to town."

"What's going on?"

River grabbed his keys and wallet, avoiding my question. "I'll make it up to you."

I didn't say anything to him as I made my way to the door, and found Kol leaning against the hallway wall.

He looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep, dark circles starting to form, and his dirty blonde hair was a mess. He looked over at me and gave me a small smile.

"Are you sober? If not, I'm driving."

He looked behind me at River before nodding.

"Haven't touched anything in a couple weeks, Williams." He held his keys up.

By Chance | Complete |Where stories live. Discover now