Chapter Sixty One

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I spent most of the day out with my parents, Teddy joining us for lunch and then more shopping.

They kept me occupied and busy, keeping my mind off of Ivy for once. Birthday waffles with my parents didn't feel like a painful reminder this year.

This year felt different.

Lyra's gift had made me happy, both of them. The box set was a small gift, but was filled with so much thought.

She wasn't tip-toeing around her. Instead she wanted to include her.

I had texted Lyra a couple times throughout the day, all my messages went unread and not replied to each time I checked.

After we got back, Teddy and I both started to get ready.

"Sash is picking up Lyra?" I asked, grabbing my keys and phone.

"Yes. She went over there earlier." Teddy grabbed his keys and we went out to his car.

"So where's the party?" I asked Teddy once we were in the car.

All that I knew was that we all had to wear some sports jerseys.

He glanced at me as he turned off the main road. "West's aunt has that massive lake house, she let him borrow it for the night. Everyone else gets there around nine. Sash should be there before that."

When we got to the house, there were decorations and balloons everywhere. The lake house had ten bedrooms, a game room, and a movie theatre in it. There was food and drinks covering the dining room.

"Happy birthday, River!" Kol yelled before the other boys joined in.

I grinned as they all got loud and someone shoved a beer in my hand. "Thanks, Guys."

"It's our captains last birthday , we have to make sure it's the best." West grinned as he slid me a shot. "Who knows when we can party as a team again."

"Next week?" Teddy rolled his eyes.

"Not the point, Cassie." Kol told him, "it's still the last birthday. Plus he's our captain."

"To our captain!" All of the boys lifted up their drink into the air and said all together. "To River!"

I threw back the shot, the Ember liquid burning down my throat. I took another and another as the music started blasting.

Teddy sat next to me and took a sip of his water. "You need anything?"

I shook my head. "Are you drinking?"

"Once Sash is here. I want to stay sober until she's here safe."

I nudged his shoulder, "I can stay sober too."

He shook his head. "Nah. Go ahead. It's your birthday."

I took another shot before sending Lyra another text: You should come to the party early.

I slid my phone in my pocket and sat back as the guys rambled on about sports, school and girls.

The house started to fill up as more empty cans and drinks piled on the table.

By this point, I was already drunk.

Teddy handed me a bottle of water. "You've had a lot already, Man. Drink the water."

Slowly, I started to notice how full the house had gotten. How loud it had gotten. How I had yet to see Lyra or Sasha despite the massive house shrinking.

I checked my phone and saw it was 8:57.

"Where's Sash and Lyra?" I asked him, squinting at my phone to focus my vision.

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