Chapter Forty

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I sighed, throwing my phone on my bed. I texted Lyra three times without an answer.

The first was after her exam.

Me: How'd your exam go?

And the second was another hour ago.

Me: So I assume you're still mad? That's really unfortunate, I'm feeling very grateful for all your help the other day.

And the third was ten minutes ago.

Me: You aren't supposed to ignore me anymore.

Maybe I was a little too pushy with trying to get her to eat this morning, but I thought she needed to eat. She had an exam and she just seemed nervous.

My phone buzzed with a text from her and I quickly grabbed it.

Lyra: Was never mad. Have to study. Our week is over.

Me: Our week is not over. We have a few more nights and you're wasting one of them. Let me help you relax.

Lyra: That's gross. Especiallyyyyyy after I saw you and Emily go into an empty class while I waited for my exam.

My brows creased together as I stared at her text.

Me: I'm coming over.

But the send button turned green.

Lyra fucking Willams just blocked me. She just blocked me.

I gripped the steering wheel as I turned into her driveway, parking behind her car and going to the side door that led to the basement.

I raised my fist and knocked on it. And I knocked again as someone poked their head out from the front deck. "Are you looking for Lyra?"

I turned my head and found her sister staring back at me.

They had the same eyes and same lips. But Lyra was far, far prettier than her sister.

"If I were?" I raised a brow at her, taking a few steps towards her.

She stood up and crossed her arms. "You're a smart, rich boy. You come from a good, respected family. You have a future. My sister is the most destructive person I know. And I've seen a lot, I've met a lot of people. She doesn't actually care about anyone other than herself. It's always been that way. If you're looking for something from her, even friendship, it's not the best idea."

"Why would I listen to you?"I narrowed my eyes and heard a door creak open. Lyra stepped out, she was wearing a big t-shirt that ended mid-thigh. With very short shorts underneath.

"What's going on?"

"I was just saying hi to your friend." Lilian smiled.

What a cunt. The way she talked about Lyra infuriated me.

Lyra looked at me. "I'm helping him study. Sorry."

"Don't stay up too late." Lyra let me in and I followed her.

I wonder if she had heard anything her sister had said.

"What are you doing here?" She asked after pushing me into her room and closing the door behind her.

"You blocked me."

"Yeah. Weeks over. We never messed around."

"The week is not over. You're being dramatic. Nothing happened between Emily and I. You haven't even asked me."

"I don't want to hook up if you were hooking up with her. That grosses me out."

"Good thing I didn't touch Emily then, huh?" I crossed my arms. "Are you jealous?"

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