Chapter Sixty

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The next morning we were nearly late for school because River and I lost track of time in the shower this morning.

He, of course, still stopped for morning coffee, despite that making us run later.

"Don't be grumpy. There's at least fifty places we could do it at school."

My smile unwillingly spread across my lips. "We're going to be late."

"I know, but you need coffee to function." He handed me my coffee. "You're staying over again tonight, right?"

"It's a Wednesday on a school night."

"Please, it's the beginning of the semester."

"Aren't you and Teddy practicing today?"

"During my free period. Try to get out of it all you want, but we're hanging out tonight."

"We're lying to our friends."

"You already said you would have to tell Sash eventually. We just haven't told them anything yet."

"That's still being dishonest, and hiding things, Riv." I grabbed my bag and coffee as he parked.

"I like when you call me that." He kissed him quickly, "I don't like keeping things from Teddy either. They'll know by my birthday, which you're invited to."

I grinned. "Are you inviting me to your party, River Evers? I thought you said I-"

"I know I know. The football team always throws me one, they'll let you know when it is, and my parents throw one in the city."

"We do have to stop soon."

"Stop what?" His brows creased together. "Sleeping together? That's not happening. We can't stay away from each other."

"We have to try. I mean we should now before it happens again."


"You know why, River." I sighed and got out of the car.

He followed close beside me. "I really don't. What's so bad about us hanging out and having sex sometimes."

"Because we're in the same friend group. It'll get messy."

"We are messy. You're so worried about hurting others and others feelings you don't care about your own."

"I have to get to class."

"History 121 on the second floor? Wonderful, I have that class too so you do have time to talk." He put his hand on my back as we entered the school.

"You don't care?" I asked, referring to his hand.

"Should I?"

Wednesday night I spent the night at River's again and managed to get out of Thursday night since it was my girls night with Sash.

As much as I wanted to tell her that night, I didn't. I wasn't able to, I couldn't ruin our night. Or our friendship.

I was selfish to want more time with her before I ruined everything, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

The next week went by rather fast and Thursday came, River's birthday. He wouldn't be at school today since his parents had something planned for him but he had a party tonight thrown by the football team. Though River had told me they would tell me when and where it was, anyone had yet to tell me.

I wanted to ask Sash but instead I just decided to tell her I wasn't feeling good so she wouldn't drag me to the party anyway.

While River knew of the party, it was still a surprise party, at a surprise location. Teddy and Sasha were only involved with the one his parents threw.

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