Chapter Twenty Eight

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I walked past the living room and saw Alec and Lil talking quietly. Her eyes were red, puffy and glossed over.

"Lyra." Alec said gently. "Do you mind coming in here?"

I walked into the living room and she sat up and wiped her eyes.

"I got a message from Teddy's mom." She started. "You want to go away for Christmas and be away from us? We're supposed to spend Christmas with Alec's family in Florida."

"I told them I couldn't go."

"You really want to not celebrate Dad's birthday with me?"

December Twentieth.

Yay. Just another day to remind me of what I've caused.

"I told them I couldn't go." I repeated myself, more annoyed.

"Why is she calling then?" She crossed her arms.

"Lil." Alec said. He reached for her hand and squeezed it gently.

"I thought you would want to celebrate with us. Instead of going away with them. That seems fair, does it not?"

"I don't want to fight with you over my Christmas break." My sigh was filled with exhaustion.

"You really want to spend the holidays with your friends and dads birthday, fine. Go ahead."

"You know what, Lilian? I will."

"Our grandparents pay us to take care of you so they don't have to, you know. Both sets. Neither of them want you either."

I shrugged. "So what? Nothing you can say is going to hurt me."

After that, I walked out and went to my room. I had to be up early for school tomorrow and I had been through enough events tonight.

First Teddy, then Lilian and River, and Lilian yet again. And honestly, tomorrow seemed like a pretty good day to skip school. I didn't want to face my friends or River tomorrow. Or even Lilian for that matter.

After scrubbing my mouth of River, I tossed and turned the entire night despite taking my sleeping pills. All I could think of was River kissing me. How his soft lips felt against mine, how his fingers dug into my side.

I replayed that moment again and again in my head. I was disgusted with myself for kissing him back. That never should have happened, yet it felt good.

Monday I skipped school. I called in for myself and stayed home. Reading or watching something. I finally got some sleep, which was nice.

I had been avoiding Lilian and Alec. I turned off my phone for the day, not answering anyone.

When I turned on my phone, it had blown up with messages from Sasha and Teddy. And one from Lilian.

Lilian: I called Mel and let her know you'll be going with them for Christmas. Alec and I are still spending Christmas with his family in Florida. You'll leave after exams with them. And she mentioned New Years plans, so I suppose I won't see you for like a month. Let me know if you need money for the trip... Sorry for hurting you again.

Sasha: Hey, Where are you?
Sasha: Are you okay?
Sasha: I assume you need time alone and aren't ignoring me. Text me when you're ready ♥️. Ily.

Teddy: I'm sorry, Ly.
Teddy: You good?
Teddy: I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. I'm sorry.

I let out a sigh and swiped away my notifications. I sat up in bed and ran my hand through my hair. I knew I should answer my friends. They didn't deserve to be ignored. I just needed my space today.

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