Chapter Eighty

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"Can we talk?"

As the words left her mouth, my heart was pounding against my chest. Anxiety started to build in my stomach and chest.

"Yeah, of course." I squeezed her hand as we got up to my bedroom.

I set my keys on my desk before sitting on the edge of it.

"I think you're going to be mad at me." She bit her lip nervously, wrapping his arms around her body.

"Annoyed, maybe. But I won't be mad at you, I promise."

She took a step back as she sighed, "I really need to talk to you about next year."

She was doing it again. She was going to try to break up with me.

Why was she always trying to do this? God, it's the only thing I had to worry about most of the time.


"Please, River. I'm not withdrawing my application, nor do I plan on it. But I don't know if it's what I want to do. I want to travel..."

"I'll go with you. I can put off school for a year, I'm sure I could work out a deal."

"I don't want that. I want you to stay here and go to school, play sports."

"You know it's not the same without you there. I don't know what I was playing for before you. You drive and challenge me."

"I want to be there when I can, but I want to take the opportunity to study and travel maybe."

I crossed my arms as I stared at her for a moment. "Is Sasha involved with this?"

"River, it's not like that. I-I'm not trying to do what you think I'm doing."

"Is he going? Does he even know?"

"I don't know." She shook her head, tears starting to pool in her beautiful chocolate eyes. "I don't have to-"

"Come here," I pushed myself up from the desk, opening my arms to her. She didn't waste any time before her head was buried in my chest. "We'll make it work, Ly. You and I will make it work."

I kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back gently.

I wasn't mad, I wasn't upset.

I would make us work, even if it meant getting on a plane more times than I cared for during the school year to see her. I'd buy her a private jet, I'd buy her anything. I'd give up sports and travel the world with her, carrying her camera and making sure she had snacks.

I would do absolutely anything for her, more than she knows.

When I say I was in love with Lyra, I don't think anyone could possibly understand how much I truly love her.

She was the only sun I had seen since Sasha joined us. The light and my breath, the only way I could possibly breath each and every day. The only way I could wake up without immediate hatred towards the world.

"I'll be at every game I can. If not, I'll watch it somehow. I'll come home and see you. I still want to live with you, and get a kitten."

"And we'll do that, Baby. Okay?"

I pulled away slightly, lifting her chin to look at me.

Her red, tear stained face tilted up, her eyes glistened. "Okay."

I ran my thumb under her eyes, wiping away her tears.

Her lips lifted into a smile. "You aren't mad?"

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