Chapter Thirty Three

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Realistically, I knew I fucked up pretty bad. I messed things up greatly. But Ryder didn't help the situation at all. When he drinks too much, he ends up all over a girl. This time he just picked Lyra. He chose Lyra to be all over, to try to kiss. And he took care of her last night.

I was a dick to her this morning, making her take off his clothes and wear mine. I didn't want my friends or August to think something happened between the two of them, they knew I would never touch Lyra. So her wearing my clothes could be explained easily.

While they knew I would never do anything to her, I was lying to myself. I already touched her, multiple times. I thought about putting her on the kitchen counter too. It made me sick. It made me so sick that I wanted to kiss her again. I hated her. She was entitled. She only got her goddamn job because her father asked Mel to give her a job. She didn't earn it, she was so spoiled she thought she was too good for our school, and went to one in the city until high school.

I wanted to regret kissing her, I wanted to. I longed to regret it, but the satisfaction took over the regret. I hated that I liked it.

I couldn't tell Teddy, I couldn't tell Sasha. This was something that needed to stay between us. Just like the first kiss had.

What needed to happen was that I hooked up with someone tonight. I just had to get with someone to get this out of my system. And it certainly would not be with Lyra.

Lyra was gone before I could stop her. She left quickly, and when Sasha got up, I asked her if she had seen Lyra.

"She texted me, she wasn't feeling good from last night. She went home earlier." Sasah mumbled sleepily, leaning against the counter."I have to drive home soon. I have yoga with my mom and Ly this afternoon."

Her saying started to paint a picture of Lyra in tight yoga pants and I tried to think of anything else to stop myself from picturing that. I thought of football plays, basketball plays, but it didn't stop me from thinking about it. I most definitely still thought about it as she spoke.

Please, Sash, move on from yoga.

"We're going shopping."

"Teddy's going to call you, you know? He misses you when he's away from you."

The smile that lit up her face made me happy. "I know. I'll have my phone on me."

"Good. He gets fucking whinny when he can't talk to you."

"You're just jealous."

"Set me up with one of your hot friends then, Sash. Maybe I won't be jealous anymore."

"Lyra's single."

I stared back at her for a few seconds. She didn't know, if she knew, Teddy would know. That was something I don't think they would be able to keep from each other. "You're psychotic for even suggesting that."

"I hear enemies have good sex."

"You didn't hear that from anyone, Sash." I teased her. "I love you, but I don't have any interest in Lyra."

"That's the nicest way you've said you don't like her." She fake sniffled, wiping the pretend tears from her eyes. "You've been trying this week."

If she only fucking knew.

"What happened between you and Lyra last night? I found her sitting against the wall, trying to catch her breath." Ryder asked. "She looked like she was going to get sick."

"Nothing happened. What happened between you two? You're the one who was trying to make a move on her."

He put his hands up. "If I knew you had a thing for her, I wouldn't have. But I didn't think it would be a problem we'd come across considering  you can't stand even being in the same room as her."

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