By Desire - Book Two [Published]

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         Happy By Desire Day!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read By Chance, I adore reading comments and getting feedback, seeing your thoughts and reactions to the book. I may not respond but I have read every comment on By Chance. Thank you so much for taking the book from 47k reads to 184k reads once completed.
Thank you to everyone who has messaged me or put some on my board or commented or voted. My readers are incredible.

By desire will need more editing as will by chance!

Please enjoy  the first five chapters of By Desire available now.

The next five will come soon, don't worry! I promise this book isn't going to be what you expect.

A degree, new house, her dream job, two kittens, a ring, and her best friend, Sasha, all weren't enough to keep Lyra's past from catching up with her six years after she graduated high school and left for Italy. Now back in New York, her past has pried open the walls she built around her secure life. Past trauma and conflict arise as familiar faces, and exes, emerge.
One of the biggest cities in the world became too small for Lyra Williams and River Evers after six years of no contact.

Over Six years, 2190 days,

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