Chapter Fifty Three

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Christmas went by fast, just as that day did too.

That morning we were getting up early to head to the resort only fifteen minutes from the house.

Our parents surprised the four of us with a luxury suite there for our own trip. The suite was on one of the top floors, and had a hot tub on two of the balconies from our rooms. There were three bedrooms, with their own bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

That morning Teddy and I took a different car. He stopped for breakfast, which we ate in the car. "You're sure you're okay? We can go back to the house with your parents."

"Yeah, I'm good, Teddy." I nodded.

"I love you. And I loved Ivy."

"I know. I love you too, Teddy."

"What did you want to do today? Skiing? Snowboarding? Basketball?"

"Basketball and video games. I don't want to do much today."

I didn't know how I felt. Everything felt too real yet not real at all, yet I was here.

I stood still while time continued. There wasn't any pause. Just myself and my thoughts while others around me tried.

Time after time, yet I never allowed for any progress to be made.

"We can do that." Teddy grinned. "Ordering in?"

When we got up to the resort, the girls hadn't gotten there yet. They stopped for groceries instead.

Teddy and I went up to the front desk to get our keys and check in. The resort was massive, stone and wood everywhere.

The short man with black hair at the desk gave us a smile. "Hello, Welcome to the Tide Mountain Resort."

I glanced down and found his name tag, Eller.

"We're checking in. Should be under Cassie and Evers."

Eller looked towards the Mac in front of him. "Ah, yes. There is actually something we have to warn you about." He looked up at us. "One of the rooms had a pipe explode. It's fixed and the rest of the rest of the building has been inspected and is fine. The room has not been fully renovated yet."

Meaning we're down a room.

There was no way I was sharing a bed with Lyra or Teddy. I'd much rather sleep on the damn couch.

"Are there any other rooms?"

"We are completely booked up."

"Not even a small one?"

He folded his hands together, shaking his head. "I am so sorry. We of course have issued a discount."

"River, go get the bags." Teddy told me, cutting me off before I could say anything.

My fists balled up before I released them and walked away.

It wasn't the guys fault. Obviously.

Something just had to happen.

When we got up there, I wasn't as mad as before. There was a beautiful view from every window, and the mountains could be seen from one of the bedrooms.

There was a modern build and furniture, sticking with black, greys, and white mostly. There was a pool table behind the couch, a massive flat screen on the wall.

"We can share a room." Teddy told me as we dropped our bags.

"I can stay on the couch."

Teddy shook his head. "You aren't staying on the couch. I'll still be able to hang out with Sasha."

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