Chapter Twenty Three

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"I'm sorry. I would have stayed up with you." Sasha pouted, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me towards her. "We can spend the day at my house. I was up getting sick most of the night anyway."

"I have to get new clothes."

"I can go with you." She squeezed my hand gently.

"I think you look badass." Teddy grinned.

"Of course you would."

"Looking on the brighter side, Ly."

"I know. I appreciate that."

River handed me a plate full of pancakes and a glass of apple juice.

"Thank you."

"Are we dreaming, are you two actually getting along?" Teddy grinned.

"We are not." River and I both said at the same time.

Teddy kissed Sasha's shoulder before moving around the island and grabbing his own plate. "Sure."

As soon as we saw Lilian's car leave the driveway, Sasha and I pulled into my driveway and quickly went to the basement through the side door to get some of my stuff.

"Did River actually handle things last night?" She asked, trying to hide the concern in her voice. "Obviously I trust him despite his intense dislike for you, but I just want to make sure."

I smiled at her through the mirror as I picked my clothes into my bag. "Yeah, he brought me down to his library. I read two of his moms books last night."

"He took you down to the library?" She sat on the edge of my bed before letting her back hit the comforter.

"Before he came back to the party."

She winced at the memories of last night. "He and I did so many shots, Lyra. I'm surprised he didn't blackout. I did. Then I was up all night."

"Why did he drink that much?" I turned back with my bag slung over my shoulder and my iPad in hand.

"He said he felt bad about what happened to you. Because she attacked you because of him." She leaned up on her elbows. She looked rather tired this morning, her night was most definitely reflecting.

"He said the same thing to me. He was being nice."

"He's not an ass all the time." Almost unbelievable.

Sasha and I shut all the blinds and curtains in her room before putting on some adult cartoon show. We crawled into her bed with water and McDonalds Teddy dropped off for Sasha's hangover.

"I'm so sorry she attacked you." Sasha whispered. "So so sorry."

"It's no one's fault. I'm okay, Sash."

"I was worried about you. And I just want you to know that I love you, Ly. You're going to be my best friend forever."

"I love you too, Sash." I giggled. "You're tired and emotional?"

"Uh huh." She nodded. "I hate it."

We basically slept till Sunday. Until ten in the morning when Teddy and River barged in.

"Are you for real right now?" Sasha groaned.

Teddy went to her side of the bed. Leaned over the bed, grabbing her waist. "Come on, Baby. Up."

"Nooo." She covered her face with her pillow.

I sat up, crossing my legs under me. I felt so much better, the scratches on my face hurt less, but the rest of my face felt bruised.

"We're going to the movies, Sash. They're playing eighties and nineties horror movies all day."

Sasha rolled over and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, I love you."

Any objections she had to going out disappeared.

"I know." He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Get something comfortable on and we'll leave. We brought blankets."

"I love you." She said again and kissed him. He helped her out of bed and she went to her closet. "Lyra!"

I got off her bed and followed her.

"You look badass, Ly!" Teddy called after me.

I walked into her closet and she held out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. "Fuzzy socks?"

I nodded and took the purple fuzzy socks from her.

Sasha put on black sweatpants and a pastel blue hoodie with pink fuzzy socks.

"Does the scratch look bad?" I asked her.

She stopped, and looked at me. Her eyes softened. "No, it looks better than it did yesterday. I put on that gel stuff while you were sleeping."

"You did?"

"Yeah. You looked so tired, I wanted to make sure it got applied."

"You're amazing. Thank you."

"I know you'd do the same for me."

She was right.

"How are you feeling?" River asked quietly as we made our way into the theatre.

"Better. Thank you for the other night."

He nodded.

We bought our tickets, popcorn and candy before going to take our seats in the back of the theatre. It was already dark and the movie title flashed as we sat down.

I yawned and leaned against Sasha as she leaned against Teddy. We both had blankets wrapped around us. River was on Teddy's side and glanced at us before looking back at the screen.

The first movie was Friday The Thirteenth. And both Sasha and I fell asleep around the middle of the movie. I woke up during the beginning of the second movie which was Scream.

I looked over and found Teddy playing with Sash's hair as she slept curled up to him. A smile spread across my lips.

River was typing away on his phone, the brightness all the way down.

"Do you still want to go away with us for new years?" Sasha asked.

It was Thursday night, and we were getting our nails done.

"Of course. I'm sorry I can't go for Christmas. Lilian would have my head."

"Don't be. River isn't going either.  At least not until New Years." 

I nodded. "When are you leaving?"

"December sixth, we're aiming to get back for the twentieth sixth so we can leave the next morning."


I was excited to go away with my friends. We were renting some luxury cabin, right next to a ski-resort. It was something I was looking forward to.

"I know you don't exactly get along with River." An understatement. "But do you think you check on him here and there while we're gone?"

"Yeah, of course, Sash."

A relieved smile spread across her lips. "You're the best."

Sasha got dark purple French tip nails, and I got nude-pink ombré. These nights were my favourite. Getting my nails done with my best friend.

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