Chapter Six

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"How long do you think it'll take to get ready?" Sasha asked me as we got in her house after we dropped River and Teddy off at Teddy's house.

"An hour or so."

"Cool, I'm gonna make a drink. Did you want one?"

I nodded before she showed me where her bedroom was. Her room was rather large with a massive four post bed in the corner. She had matching furniture items and artwork all over the wall.

"Are those all yours?" I asked. Her work was amazing.

"And my dad's." She smiled. "Go to the second door on the right, that's the makeup room Bathrooms the first on the left wall. And the first door on the right is my closet. I won't be long."

I went to the makeup room and there was a long counter with a few chairs in front of a huge mirror.

Her house was just a grand as I had pictured it to be.

After sitting down, I started to straighten my hair.

The game made me slightly anxious, there was going to be a lot of people there. Emily would be there with her little minions. The party made me a little more uncomfortable considering I've never been to a party that was held by anyone who went to Mount View.
I wonder if she'd be proud of me?

It wasn't long before Sasha came in with two cups. She placed one down in front of me.

"What's in it?" I asked as I unplugged my straighter and picked up the red cup.

"It's like a strawberry dessert kind of drink. You aren't allergic to anything, are you?"

I shook my head and took a sip. Christ, Sasha made her drinks strong. "Thank you."

"What are you wearing?" She asked as she put some hair only in her braids before tying half of them up, leaving a couple in the front.

"Just leggings and a sweater. I'll change for the party after. I really like your hair, it really suits you."

Sasha smiled brightly. "I'm thinking about doing red. Like burgundy."

"You should," I told her as I filled in my brows. "You'd look amazing."

"Do you want to go with me? They have a spa there where we could spend the day."

Desperately, I wanted to say no, but instead I found myself nodding. "Sure. Yeah."

She let out a squeal that made me smile.

What if Sasha genuinely liked me?

We talked for what felt like hours as we got ready for the game. In that time I learned that Sasha's parents had a messy divorce and she doesn't get along with her mother. It seemed like it was a rather touchy subject, so I decided to not press on the why.

I also learned that her father was an artist too. He had multiple art galleries in the city, which even featured some of her work.

"Why does your makeup look so fucking good?" Sasha groaned as she slipped on a hoodie. "Teach me how to do my makeup like that."

I smiled, flattening my sweater. "You look good too, Sasha."

"She looks amazing." Teddy said from the doorway.

"Teddy," Sasha's hazel eyes grew soft as she ran over to him.

He wrapped his arms around her. "Have you been drinking already?"

She tilted her head up, resting her chin on his chest. "Maybe."

He rolled his eyes with a smile. "You aren't smoking on the way then."

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