Chapter Forty Three

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Sasha and I decided to stay up later than Teddy and River to just hang out and spend time alone before we would be in a house full of people.

We also had to do a few things for the trip. Which included packing last minute stuff we picked up that day.

After that, we ended up crashing in the basement while watching tv.

Both our alarms blared loudly at four in the morning. Sasha reached out for her phone and knocked it on the floor instead. "I'm not getting up."

I rubbed the sleeping out of my eyes and yawned. "Come on, Sasha." I pulled her arm gently before heading upstairs and finding River in the kitchen.

"Morning." I mumbled as I went over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You should eat before leaving. It's a long drive. I don't want you crashing the car."

"Not your car."

"Well you're driving my car."

I turned around and stared at him. "I'm driving Teddy's."

"It's dark. It's supposed to rain. Highway. Cold temperatures. My car is safer and better to drive in the rain, on ice." He put the keys on the counter.

"Did you cut the breaks?"

"Yes, Lyra. Oh I definitely want to deal with Teddy if his girlfriend and his best friend dies."

My lips quickly turned up into a grin. "You just said I was Teddy's best friend."

He rolled his eyes. "His words. Not mine. I'm his best friend."

"He can have multiple."

"Options as you call them." He leaned on her elbow.

My eyes narrowed as my arms crossed. "You should always have options."

"Exactly how many options do you have, Lyra?"

"Options for what?"

"You tell me."

He shrugged

"If you think that was some sort of dig at you or something, it wasn't. I was agreeing with Sasha. You-"

The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs made me stop. Sasha quickly appeared with a blanket wrapped around her. "We better be stopping for coffee."

"That's why she isn't allowed to drive early." River mumbled.

Sasha looked like she had been on a five day bender, her hair was a mess, her
eyes were swollen and red, and she could hardly keep them open. "I need sleep."

I laughed went over to her, giving her the water. "Come on." She leaned into me as I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Let's get you in the car."

River followed behind before coming up beside me and slipping his keys into my hand. "Don't bother showing up to the house if you reck my car."

"I'd probably be in the hospital if that happened, dumbass."

Mel, and the girls seemed to have already left before Sasha and I woke up. Teddy was packing up the rest of his car before Sasha went and got in River's Audi Q7.

Once Teddy spotted her, he went over to the passengers side and stood at the open door, his arm up on top of the car as he gave her a tired smile.

"Are they going to survive a few hours away from each other?" I joked.

"This could possibly be the end for them."

"She'll sleep most of the drive."

"Teddy too."

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