Chapter Fifty Nine

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My heart broke for River as he told me about the night Ivy died.

He not only lost a sister but a sibling he was excited about, one he had already thought about in the future. All the memories and things he could do with her. He lost a lot that night.

His whole family lost a lot. I can't even begin to imagine how Miranda has felt.

I wrapped my arms around him after crawling on his lap, just like I did on our vacation. "You didn't make your mom lose the baby."

"No, I made her lose a baby and her daughter."

I grabbed his face, making him look at me. "You tried, River. You tried to hold her hand, to catch her. That was not your fault."

He was so broken up over this and it has obviously greatly impacted him.

"You weren't there. You didn't see anything."

"You told me your story, and you didn't do anything. You guys were kids wanting to go play outside. Kids don't listen-"

"But if we didn't, she would still be here. Ryder or my parents could have been out there to catch her."

"You don't know that, River."

"I should have gone before her."

I kissed the side of his mouth. "Stop," I whispered. "You are not responsible for her death. You are not responsible for any of that, River." I wrapped my arms around his neck.
His arms went around my waist, pulling me close to his hard chest. "Emily was the last person I told about that night, other than Sash. She was so upset with me, she told me I could have done more to save her."

My gut twisted and turned at that. "What?"

"She's right."

"She's not right, River. You are so so hard on yourself. You didn't cause that, you tried to prevent it."

"We were so excited about that treehouse we didn't want to get in trouble for going out."

I played with the hem of his shirt as I dropped my arms. "You were just a kid. You aren't responsible for your sisters death, " I said gently, I moved my hand over his heart. "You love her, I can tell you do. But that was never your fault."

He titled my head back before kissing me. His eyes were red from the tears he was trying to hide.

"I can make you feel better." I said against his lips.

He shook his head. "I want you."

I want you.

I want you.

This word repeated in my head.

"I'm right here."

"I need you, Lyra." He said again. His voice more husky this time.

My pussy started throbbed as his lust filled words turned me on. I wanted River too.
He made me feel good.

"Are you sure this is a good time?"

"I haven't fucked you in sixteen days, Lyra. I don't care anymore."

His eyes were consumed with lust as they searched mine.

My fists wrapped in the fabric of his shirt and pulled him to me. "I want you too."

My lips smashed against his, his hands gripped my ass as he stood up from the bed and locked the door. Never breaking our kiss.

He turned out the lights, leaving the tv on before taking me back to the bed.

"The food."

River groaned as he tightened his hold, cleaning it up quickly before putting me on the bed.

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