Chapter Fourteen

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When I met River's parents, I hadn't expected them to be so kind. His mother insisted on me calling them Miranda and Thomas rather than Mr and Mrs Evers. We talked briefly before the game and Miranda asked me a few questions about school and what the book store here and there.

River was a perfect mix of his parents, he had Miranda's grey eyes, the same dark curls, and he had similar facial features to his father. Sharp jawline, sculpted cheeks.

It was a mystery to me how people so nice ended up with a son like River.

They obviously loved their son a lot. The look of pride crossed their faces as the team won and the crowd erupted with cheering.

Sasha dragged me down to the field to which she pulled me into the hug when she hugged River and Teddy. I felt a hand on the small of my back and found it was River's.

His gaze met mine before he pulled away, dropping his hand from my back.


"Thanks," he gave me a smile.

"You fucking killed it, Man!" Teddy grinned as he drove along the main road.

"You shouldn't have let Kol get the winning touchdown," Sasha told him.

"He needed it more than me, Sash."

"Did he though?"

He turned back to her, "He doesn't get to choose what school he goes to. Plus, that's not very captian like me to take all the touchdowns."

"Yeah yeah, always the better guy."

"I'll be at your house soon, Man." River said as he got out of Teddy's car and jogged up to his front door.

"Teddy's ordering pizza." Sasha said as she sat next to me on the floor in front of a large mirror that was in one of the guest rooms.

I had just finished my makeup and was straightening my hair.

"Should I tie some of my hair back? I think she has hers up." Sasha's makeup was already done, she had bright pink eyeshadow with long lashes, and she had a yellow, lace bodysuit on along black jeans.

I pushed myself up for the floor and grabbed a hair elastic before gathering her burgundy braids and pulling them into a ponytail. I left two front ones out.

"Ooh! I love it!" Sasha squealed. "How bad do I look?"

I shook my head with a laugh. "No, you look great, Sash." I grabbed the small gold crown that was on a headband and slipped it into her hair. "Grant me a wish?" I teased.

"Hhmmmm." She lifted up the wand she had. "I can't promise it'll come true."

"Damn, I want a new fairy."

She slapped her hand over her heart and threw her head back dramatically. "I can't believe you'd say something like that."

Maybe it was the few dunks I had already had but I didn't honk twice about wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. "I'm joking," I pouted.

"Good, you're stuck with me. And Teddy."
I smiled, "You look hot, Sash."

"Bitch, so do you. Hurry up with your hair so I can see your costume."

"Okay, okay." I unwrapped my arms from around her and sat back on the floor.

Sasha moved behind me and grabbed the straightener from me and straightened some of the back pieces. "There's going to be cute guys here tonight."

By Chance | Complete |Where stories live. Discover now