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"Woah, grandpa! What is this shiny thing? I found it in your drawer?" Y/n showed her grandfather a necklace with a stone

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"Woah, grandpa! What is this shiny thing? I found it in your drawer?" Y/n showed her grandfather a necklace with a stone.

Her grandfather took it from her. "Y/n, I told you to not look through my things."

"Grandpa, this is so pretty, can I keep it?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n, it is not a normal necklace. Remember what I taught? We have to sacrifice one thing to get another thing. So this necklace works like that. It will make your wishes true. But in exchange you have to give something." Her grandfather exclaimed.

"I don't get it." Y/n didn't get the concept.

"What do you wish for right now?" He asked.

"Hmm, maybe a chocolate?" Y/n said.

"And what will you give in return?"

"These lollipops. I don't like them." Y/n take out lollipops from her pocket.

The stone shone, Y/n's mother entered, "Y/n, give these lollipops to me your lil cousins really love this and he is crying. You can take this chocolate instead."

Y/n got excited and took the chocolate. "Yes! I wanted it."

Y/n mom left the room. "See you got what you wish for." Her grandfather said.

"No, mom gave me the chocolate, not this stone."

Her grandfather chuckled, "The stone made it happen."


Y/n didn't believe it but after times, she started believing it. She gets everything she asks from the stone in a way. But the stone has a horrifying side too.

Y/n wanted a dog, but her parents got her a cat. So Y/n wanted to exchange the cat with a dog. She asked the stone. The stone light.

Y/n was in the garden, and played with the kitten. Y/n likes her too, but she prefers dogs. "Don't worry, you will go to a loving family."

She used to trade the things she did not like but she did like her cat.

Her cat was playing with a ball, she went to catch the ball that went to the grass cutting machine. "No wait,"

Y/n ran behind the cat, but the cat tried to take the ball out of the machine, suddenly the machine got turned on and Y/n screamed as she witnessed the blades cutting her cat and blood splashing everywhere.

After that Y/n was traumatized for days, and her parents got her a dog. But Y/n realized the stone was dangerous. So I decided to never use it again.


After a few years, Y/n was in highschool when Y/n's grandfather fell ill. Y/n doesn't want anything to happen to him. She decided to use the stone. Y/n was crying endlessly.

"Save my grandpa, You can take all my toys." The stone didn't light up, it's only light up if the things she is says and asking for has same value.

"All my stuffed animals?" Still didn't light up.

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