Bride~J.JK ft. K.NJ The final

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Y/n's father lies unconscious on the hospital bed, surrounded by beeping machines and medical equipment

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Y/n's father lies unconscious on the hospital bed, surrounded by beeping machines and medical equipment. Y/n, visibly distraught, sits by his side, holding his hand and softly sobbing.

"Dad, please wake up. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you." She said

His eyelids fluttered open. Y/n's tears flow even more freely as she tightens her grip on his hand.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me." She cried.

His expression softens as he listens, his gaze fixing on her face. He struggles to speak, his voice barely audible.

"Y/n... my dear Y/n…" He said

Y/n's heart aches with the weight of her guilt, but she continues, her voice trembling.

"Dad, I... I just wanted to be your daughter, to feel your love. I never wanted anything else. I am sorry for disappointing you."

His eyes glisten with understanding, and he reaches out to wipe her tears.

" I... I understand. It was hard. What have I not done for you?" He asked.

She leans in, embracing him gently, her tears now a mixture of sorrow and gratitude.

"I am sorry, you have done everything for me."

"But you have only disappointed me." He said.

Y/n pulls back slightly, her eyes meeting him with newfound determination.

"I will do anything, please I would do anything for you forgive me."


Chaeyoung, who sits on the couch, expresses a blend of sorrow and disbelief.

"Chaeyoung, I need you to know what I did... it wasn't because of you. It was never because of you." Namjoon said he had to divorce her.

Chaeyoung's eyes remain fixed on the floor, her fingers nervously tracing patterns on her lap.

"My parents, they... they pressured me, told me that I had to do it. They made me believe that it was for the best. But, in reality, it was me, failing to stand up to them. Dad is being sensitive because of what Happened with Y/n. I didn't want to add to his worry. I had to choose between being a son or husband. I am sorry for not choosing you He said.

Chaeyoung's gaze flickers up to meet Namjoon's, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"You... you didn't want this?" She asked

"No, Chaeyoung. No, I didn't. You were an incredible wife, always there, always understanding. Even when love had faded, my respect for you never wavered. I wish we could have stayed together till the very end." He said.

Chaeyoung's tears begin to flow freely now. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him.


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