Marry Rich ~ J.JK

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Y/N scanned the dimly lit club, The bass from the music thumped in her chest as she spotted a man with striking tattoos peeking from under his sleeves, standing by the bar

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Y/N scanned the dimly lit club, The bass from the music thumped in her chest as she spotted a man with striking tattoos peeking from under his sleeves, standing by the bar. With determination, she pushed her way through the crowd, her gaze fixed on him.

Reaching him, she tapped his shoulder. He turned around.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook?" Y/N asked, her voice barely audible over the music.

He looked at her, confused. "Yeah, that's me."

Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N's fist shot out, connecting with his jaw. The impact sent a ripple of shock through the surrounding crowd, who quickly stepped back to give them space. Jungkook staggered, holding his jaw, his eyes widening in surprise.

"What the hell was that for?" he demanded, regaining his balance.

Y/N's eyes blazed with a mix of anger and resolve. "You know exactly why. I want my 300,00$!”

She held his collar, but then she was pulled away from him by the security guards.

A few months earlier,

Y/N walked back home from work, As she neared the corner, she paused, noticing a little girl stepping out of a luxury car. The girl, dressed in the neat uniform of a private school, held hands with a well-dressed lady, likely her mother, as they walked away.

Y/N's heart ached with a pang of nostalgia. She remembered her own childhood dreams of attending a high-class school, wearing a crisp uniform, and living a life of comfort and ease.

She sighed and continued her walk, passing a cozy restaurant where a family was having dinner. She longed to eat out too, but her budget wouldn't allow it.

Reaching her small apartment, Y/N pushed open the door and greeted her friend, who was lounging on the couch.

"I really want to eat pizza tonight," Y/N confessed, sinking into a chair.

"Then just get it," her friend replied nonchalantly.

Y/N shook her head, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "I can't waste money on pizza. I already bought groceries for the week. If I spend on pizza, I might have to cut back on meals later. It's just not practical."

“You have been saving all your money, at least you can have one treat.” Her friend said and Y/n shook her head.

“I will eat once I get rich. I will eat three large pizzas at the same time. And brownies too.” Y/n said,

“I bet you can't even eat one whole large pizza.” She said,

“I will, I want to.”

“Should I order then?” Her friend, Eunbi asked. Y/n shook her head.

“No, I need to finish the grocery, I need to use the vegetables and fruits that I bought before they went bad.” Y/n said, and went to the kitchen to start cooking something for herself.

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