Fatal Attraction ~J.Jk ft K.TH

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Y/n looked at the airport, she smiled as she spotted Miyeon

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Y/n looked at the airport, she smiled as she spotted Miyeon. Her college friend. She ran to her and hugged Y/n.

"God, I missed you a lot."  Y/n exclaimed.

"Y/n! I thought I would not be seeing you for a long time, I am so glad you came here,” Miyeon said. Miyeon and Y/n studied in the same college and then Miyeon returned to Korea. They lived together during their whole college life and now they are best friends.

"I know right, but as soon as I finished college my father started showing me marriage proposals and I wasn't ready to marry! But how come you agree to marry so early?!" Y/n exclaimed.

“I just found the right person and decided to get married.” Miyeon replied. Y/n put her arm on her shoulder.

Miyeon was getting engaged the same day Y/n arrived in Korea. So right after picking Y/n from the airport they went to the beauty salon. While they were getting their manicure done, Miyeon couldn't stop talking about the girl her brother is marrying.

"For how long are you staying here?" Miyeon asked.

"My father gave me time to marry a man in 6 months. Or else dad will make me marry that son of their friend who I don't like at all." She stated.

“You should meet your dad’s friend's son. Arranged marriage is not bad.” Miyeon said.

“Honey, just because you like your fiance doesn't mean all arranged marriages are good.” Y/n said.

“True, I don't support my brother having arranged marriage, his fiance is so annoyed. I can't stand her," Miyeon said. “Mom and dad are forcing him to marry her”

“Poor boy,” Y/n said.

"She's so arrogant, always acting like she's better than everyone else."

Y/n glanced at Miyeon, eyebrows raised. "Why do you hate her so much? I mean, she can't be that bad."

Miyeon sighed, her knuckles turning white. "She's been like this since we were kids. Always putting me down, making snide comments. And now she's going to marry my brother? I can't let that happen."

Y/n nodded slowly, processing Miyeon's words. “She is marrying your brother, not you. So relax.”

“How can I relax? I don't want her to be part of our family. She is not the right fit. I hate her.” Miyeon said.

"Who would you rather marry then? I bet you would reject every woman for your brother.” She said,

A sly smile spread across Miyeon's face as she turned to Y/n. "I'd rather he marry you."

Y/n blinked in surprise. "Me? You want me to marry your brother?"

She hasn't met brother for a really long time, like 6-7 years. She remembers how he used to wear huge glasses and was really skinny. He was adorable but definitely not Y/n's type. She doesn't even remember his face properly. He doesn't like his photos being posted on social media either.

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