Video Game~The final

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Y/n came home, she put her things on the table

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Y/n came home, she put her things on the table. She gasped as she got afraid by the shadow in the living room.

"Gosh, you scared me." Y/n said, putting her hand over chest. Jungkook stood up and walked closer to her.

"Why are you afraid? People who have done something wrong are mostly the ones who get scared easily." Jungkook exclaimed.

"I don't think so, you have done many wrong things, I don't see you being afraid." Y/n replied. She was going to her room, he stopped her.

"You are not lying to me right? You are hiding something from me." Jungkook asked.

"You tell me, Are you lying to me?" Y/n asked. She gasped again when he suddenly held her jaws.

"It's not Funny Y/n, I am asking you are you hiding something from me or not?" Jungkook asked, but she didn't reply. He held her face harshly. "Open your mouth."

Her eyes got teary, her hands and legs started trembling.

"I am not hiding anything, you tell me, I met Taehyung and he told me everything," Y/n said. Jungkook let go of her.

"You met whom?" He looks angrier now. "Fck you. I hate you, you always fcking hurt me."

"You are showing your true face again." Y/n said.

"You make me," He hold neck and pulled her closer to him. "You have been meeting my boss behind my back, for fcking months and now you met Taehyung too. You just started walking, and looked at you. What should I call you huh? You are what I called you,"

"You are overreacting. You get mad even when I look at someone." Y/n said.

"Yes, you have eyes that should only look at me. Meeting my boss, how did you think that would be okay? You didn't even tell me. What if he had hurt you, or maybe he had taken advantage of you and you didn't even know." Jungkook replied.

Y/n started crying at this point. "He is a better person than you, I love him."

"What did you just say?" Jungkook's grip on her neck got stronger. "Take that back, you don't love him."

"I do, and if you love me you gonna leave me-"

"You don't know what's right for you and what is wrong for you. He is not right, he is a creep." Jungkook exclaimed.

"I don't think he is, I love him." Y/n said. She felt a sharp slap on her cheek which surprised her.

Jungkook looked surprised himself. He let her go, and she moved away from him. He quickly held her hand. "No, no, no. I am sorry, I am just, oh my god I am sorry. Baby,"

He hugged her. "Fck, I am sorry. I love you." She cried while trying to push him, but he hugged her tightly. "I didn't hurt you in 6 years Y/n, not even once, but you say things that make me angry."

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