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You know when you stare at blank white walls, you start seeing colors? I think I am going insane

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You know when you stare at blank white walls, you start seeing colors? I think I am going insane. I am hallucinating I think.

It has been 2 weeks that I have been locked in this dirty room. There is only a mattress on the floor. Nothing else.

The door opened and I saw him. This guy is heartless and expressionless. He looks so cold.

He is kinda handsome. Okay fine he is really handsome.

But that is not the point. He literally has kidnapped me.

He came closer to me and untied my hands. His visuals are beautiful.

He looked at my eyes. He has one mono eyelid and one double eyelid. That is unique. He ordered. "Follow me."

And walked to the door. "No, why would I follow your order? Let me go!"

He looked back at me. "I am letting you go. So follow me."

Is he serious? But it is the first time he is letting me leave this room. So I just followed him. I looked around the place.

I was walking behind him. I should run but I can't see any exit. And there is a gun in the back of his jeans.

Should I try to take it?

I tried to take it but he turned to me. I crossed my arms behind my back.

"Why are you walking so slow?" He asked. "Move fast."

He took me to a room.I was hesitating to enter. "What?"

"What if you did something to me?" I asked. "I am telling you I will break your hands if you touch me."

"If that were my intention I would have done that on the first day." He exclaimed. Like yeah, I still don't understand why he is keeping me here. He doesn't look interested in me. And he doesn't touch me. Which is a good thing. "And you are ugly and You are stinking. So go take a shower."

I gasped that he insulted me like that. "Excuse me! I am not ugly! And it's your fault! You kept me in that room. And not let me take a shower for 2 weeks?!"

"Now I am allowing you to go."

I want to take a shower too. I went to the bathroom and looked around. It looked normal. "There is no girl's product? There is only men's shampoo and body wash."

He rolled his eyes. "They do the job too, it doesn't matter if you are a man or a girl. I don't have time to buy you products. Now quick."

He closed the bathroom door. I looked around. Should I take a shower? There might be cameras all around here. What if he wants to film me?

I looked at myself in the mirror and Jesus. Ew. Like literally I was covered in dirt and filth. He is not lying. I do look ugly and stinky. It's a nightmare to look like this.

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