Sin and Sinner~K.NJ & J.Jk Pt.3

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Namjoon was sleeping with his arms wrapped around Y/n

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Namjoon was sleeping with his arms wrapped around Y/n. He bring her to his room, and after having a shower and same more s*x. He fell asleep with her in his arms.

She was crying silently even in her sleep. Suddenly a loud banging woke them, Namjoon's eyes snapped open, and he quickly sat up, casting a cautious glance at Y/n, making sure not to disturb her.

He slips out of bed, grabs a robe, and silently pads towards the door. As he opens it, he finds his son Jungkook, seething with anger. Namjoon gestures urgently for him to keep quiet, mindful of Y/n's rest.

"What's the matter with you? Y/n's sleeping."

But Jungkook's fury doesn't wane. He brandishes a gun at Namjoon, eyes blazing with defiance. "How dare you! How dare you touch her? I will fcking k'll"

Namjoon's expression remains stoic, his years of experience in the underworld evident as he calmly disarms his son.

"You need more practice if you want to take me down, Jungkook. That's why I used to tell you to practice with me." And then Namjoon added, "Control yourself, Jungkook. Violence won't solve anything."

"It is! You chose it! How could you fcking send me that!? How dare you touch my Y/n!" He yelled.

"You made me, what I wanted was simple, you made it complicated. And I can't punish you, but I surely can punish her. Poor girl cried so much. Don't distrub her." Namjoon said.

Jungkook's face contorted with rage, and he attempted to strike Namjoon. Namjoon effortlessly blocks the blow, his voice laced with authority.

"You will see what I will do now, Say bye to all of your g*n factories and Dr*g ones." Jungkook said and was about to leave.

"Try to do any, and I will do something way worse with Y/n." Namjoon replied.

"Don't be ridiculous." Jungkook said.

"You should not be ridiculous. What I am asking for is beneficial. Tomorrow you will apologize to Kang." Namjoon exclaimed. Jungkook stared at Namjoon, now he was about to cry.

"Dad, I fcking love that woman. Why are you involving her in our matters? Keep her out of this." Jungkook said.

"I am helping you keep your love to yourself. Just do what I say."

The night was draped in shadows as the crackling flames illuminated the garage.

Jungkook stood a few feet away, his chest heaving with barely contained fury as he watched the inferno consume the sleek lines of his father's prized possession.

The flames danced like vengeful spirits, twisting and curling around the luxurious car, its once pristine body now a charred monument to Jungkook's wrath.

Namjoon came, his eyes widening in disbelief as he beheld the fiery wreckage. His fists clenched, and the muscles in his jaw tensed as the truth dawned on him.

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