Dishonest~ The final.

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I need to write a better Jungkook ft Mingyu oneshot, and I will in future 🥲

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I need to write a better Jungkook ft Mingyu oneshot, and I will in future 🥲

Five years passed by. It was not easy for Jungkook. It felt like his whole world got flipped.

He thought he would be fine, but he wasn't. Namjoon and Jungkook didn't talk to each other. They still meet when everyone is having a gathering but they don't talk.

Everytime Jungkook sees Namjoon he gets reminded of what he did. Jungkook was drinking more than usual. He feels lonely, as everyone has partners and some have kids too, meanwhile he is still single.

He did try to date some other girls, but he just couldn't. So he gave it to you and decided to stay single for some time.

"How's Y/n?" Taehyung asked Namjoon. A question Jungkook makes Taehyung ask whenever they all are together. Namjoon doesn't bring them to these meetings, no one questions it because they know about their past.

So it has been five years since Jungkook saw Y/n. Namjoon and she got married 2 years ago, but Jungkook didn't attend the wedding either.

Jungkook acted like he didn't want to know the answer but he was waiting for Namjoon to reply.

Namjoon smiled, "She is fine. She stays indoors, as she is preparing to give birth soon."

Jungkook felt pain in his hand, he knew she was pregnant but still it hurts him.

"That is good, I am happy for you." Taehyung said, with a smile.

"Yes, we both are really excited. I am about to have my first child with the woman I love. It's an amazing feeling." Namjoon exclaimed.

"The woman you stole from me." Jungkook mumbled.

Namjoon chuckled. "If you had taken better care of her, she wouldn't have left you for me."

Jungkook threw the glass at Namjoon which he ditched. Getting everyone's attention. "She chose me over you, I was the one who left her. She wanted to stay with me,"

Jungkook yelled, Taehyung held him. "Jungkook stop, you are drunk."

"No, leave him! I left her, I thought he was gonna do the same but he did. He continued dating her knowing how much I love her."  Jungkook yelled. Taehyung and Hoseok took Jungkook away from there.


Namjoon enters his dimly lit house, his footsteps echoing softly in the hallway. He immediately heads to the control panel, scanning through the live feeds of the CCTV cameras to ensure everything is secure.

Satisfied, he makes his way towards the bedroom, he unlocks the bedroom.

The door creaks open, revealing the tranquil space illuminated by a gentle night lamp.

There, lying in the bed, is his wife, Y/N, her growing belly gently rising and falling with each breath. A small smile plays on Namjoon's lips as he approaches the bed, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber.

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