01 | The Task

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THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE, the ones that follow rules, and the ones that make them.

I don't fit in either of those groups. I follow rules as long as they benefit me but if I see a better path, I build it by my own rules, no matter what.

"So, Dark Lord, what is the reason you called me here shortly before I shall attend the train to Hogwarts?" I ask, my face showing the same ice cold expression as always, my hands behind my back to show strength.

"My two sons will attend Hogwarts this year, you might still remember them." He hisses in his snake-like voice and his two sons walk into the room.

Tom, the one I have always been more friendly with, and his brother. He has these dark curls and a glare so cold, that people fear him, at least the ones who know him and are not too close. I could recognize these particular features anywhere.

I don't give either of them a single glance, overall I haven't seen them in years, I just keep looking at the Dark Lord.

"But that is not the reason why I all called you here. Mattheo, I want you to kill Dumbledore by the end of the year. I don't care how, just do it. And you, Ophelia, you shall kill my enemy, Harry Potter."

"I thought you waited so desperately to kill him yourself, dark lord." I speak calmly, not having thought that he would entrust me with this task.

"oh I did but I see that you have a better chance than I ever will. So it is upon you now to kill the boy."

"thank you for trusting me with such an important task. I will not let you down." I nod.

"And what is my task, father?" Tom asks, waiting for his father to give him a just as hard task.

"you shall support both, Mattheo and Ophelia, in case they may need assistance."

Tom nods in disgust, he hates not being in the center.

"So, off you go to the train." The dark lord waves with his hand and we all stand at the platform, our trunks in our hands.

I walk off into the train, trying to find my friends and escape the Riddle siblings at the same time. Which I soon realize didn't work for one of them.

"Ophelia, you just gonna ignore your best friend?" Tom yells through half the train, getting my attention.

I breath out and roll my eyes before turning around. Luckily for me, there is a free compartment right next to me, so I walk inside and wait for Tom to enter.

I sit down and only moments later, Tom walks in and sits down in front of me, "and running away from me as well. What's changed huh."

"What's changed? What's fucking changed, seriously? You ignored me for the past two years and now you just think everything is back to normal?" I scoff at his egoistic thinking.

"It wasn't my choice to make and you know that. If it were, I would have never left in the first place, so don't blame me," he says, his eyes pleading. His eyes always get me, "so will you forgive me?"

I breath out and a smirk creeps onto my lips, "yea whatever, you are forgiven. It's good to see you again."

"the feeling is mutual." he nods with a smirk.

"good, now that this is solved. I'm gonna go and find my boyfriend." I stand up and open the door to walk out.

"wait, boyfriend?" He asks confused, "since when do you have a boyfriend?"

I leave the Compartment, chuckling and eventually find my way to Reid, Ron, Hermine and Harrry.

Oh yea he is still with them.

"hey guys." I greet them and sit down next to Reid. I then look at him with a smirk, "hey babe." I greet him with a kiss.

He smiles as the other three greet me back.

We talk for a while about unimportant stuff all together until Hermine mentions something, "so guys, I heard two sixth years will join us this year. Apparently Dumbledore found them somewhere." she explains.

"really? That's crazy, why would he do that?" Harry questions and I really have to hold back my scoff.

"Why? Are you afraid you won't be his favorite anymore, Potter?" Reid says exactly what I just thought. Sometimes we really share a brain cell.

"nonsense!" Harry defends himself with a snort.

"anyways, do you know their names?" I ask, turning to Hermine. It would be interesting if they go by another last name because Riddle would be quite too obvious and Dumbledore probably wouldn't even let them get into the school. Same reason why I am a Malfoy. Nobody other than the dark lord himself knows my real name.

"no idea. But I do know their last name is Lopez."

Lopez? Seriously? That's not very creative. I thought the man who said Smith is a basic ass name, would come up with something more unique. But maybe basic is good in this case, who knows.


After we arrived in Hogwarts and Dumbledore announced the two new students to be in Slytherin, he said something rather interesting.

"And since we are moving in such dark times, light is always welcome. This year, our light will be a yule ball, taking place on December 24th. If wanted, every student shall have a partner of their choice and dance classes will be provided every Saturday by professor Flitwick. The yule ball will be open for fourth-years and above although a student may bring a younger one if wished. But now, let the fest begin."

"yule ball. Ugh. Professors everywhere, looking at us while we are dancing. Sounds great and exactly what students want." Tom scoffs. Not a day goes by that he doesn't complain about anything. Looks like it's back to normal again after all.

"You gotta see it positive, after the professors are gone, there is gonna be fire whiskey and lonely girls everywhere." Theo smirks. Now that we are all gonna see Mattheo and Tom more frequently again, our group of 8 is back together. I mean we have known each like since we are in diapers.

"well that does make it sound better. Thanks Theodore." Tom raises an eyebrow.

The two always act like the biggest players of all time. Especially Theo, just because he dated half the school, doesn't mean that his body count is high or that he isn't a cute little cat that would do anything for cuddles. We all know that both their body count combined is below ten.

"You two should really start looking for a girlfriend, it's miserable looking at two almost players, you know," I snort, "it almost makes me feel something."

"shut off you heartless piece of shit and have fun with your vanilla ass Gryffindor Boyfriend then." Tom rolls his eyes. We love to tease each other, we always did it when we were young and apparently we still do it now.

"at least I have a boyfriend and love you too dumbass." I won't deny the vanilla fact about him though, he is actually quite the innocent guy.

I hear a quiet scoff from Mattheo's side so I roll my eyes in annoyance. He is no fun.

"uh burned." Iris chuckled, holding her hand up for a high five. I high five her and wink at Tom.

1:0 for me


So this is the first Chapter, do we like the dynamics between the Characters??

I tried my best to keep it interesting but ya'll know that there have to be a few boring chapters at the start. Still hope you liked it!

And don't forget to vote if you did :)

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