12 | The Slug Club

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After I made myself completely ready and put on my dress (the one you can see above), I put on some small make up and high heels.

The dress I decided to wear is one my mother gave to me a year back for the annual death eaters new years party.

Me and Iris wait downstairs for Pansy and Daphne, basically taking the place as the man in the relationship who waits. But fuck gender stereotypical roles, who even cares anymore.

"i'm so fucking excited, Lily. I still can't comprehend that this is actually happening." she squirms.

"me neither, i'm so glad for you." I give her a kind smile and squeeze her hand as a sign of support.

And right in that moment, Daphne and Pansy come down the stairs into the common room and the only emotion on Iris' face is pure happiness, almost I would have called it love.

I smile to myself at her reaction and then look up to the girls. Daphne is wearing a gorgeous pink dress and Pansy a black one.

As they reach us, I look Daphne up and down once again, "you look stunning." I breath.

"I have to return that compliment immediately. I will have plenty of people jealous of me, you look like a goddess." she smiles wide, "why didn't anyone tell me that being out is this great?"

"thank you." I smirk, take the sides of my dress and bow, while keeping eye contact with her.

"stop. You're actually gonna make me blush." she squirms as I take her hand.

I don't comment her behavior and neither do I wipe the smirk of my face, "shall we go?"

"yes." she airs.

Thankfully it's not a long way to the location and as we reach it, we already see a few people drinking, laughing and dancing.

Slughorn seems to already notice us because he briefly walks over with a smile on his face, "I am so glad you all could make it. You all look astonishingly great tonight."

"thank you professor." Daphne says for us all.

"there are students handing out drinks and if anything is wrong, don't hesitate to get me." Slughorn explains, still the big smile on his face.

We nod and make our way over to the others and right then, Neville walks past us, offering us drinks.

"thank you Neville." I give him a big smile while taking a glass, "why do you have to work, mate?"

"Slughorn asked if I wanted to, I should consider it as extra credit, he said. And everyone knows I would never pass up the opportunity for basically free extra credit in potions."

"understandable." I snigger, "I hope you have a nice evening, regarding of your job."

"thanks." he nods appreciatively and walks over to the next people.

I take a sip and disappointment fills my face.

"is something wrong?" Daphne asks me, scanning my face for a reaction.

"Uh not exactly wrong, just not to my liking." I chuckle lightly before looking at her, "I don't know why I thought he would put alcohol in this. It tastes like shit."

Daphne takes a small sip and quickly agrees.

"do you remember that one time when Draco thought it's a good idea to mix the three kinds of alcohol?"

"of course I do. I blacked out that night." I chuckle lightly.

"it tasted like this, just without the constant burning in your throat." she laughs.

My eyes grow wide, "bloody hell, you're right. Wait a moment."

I take out my wand and point it at my drink while mumbling a few words.

Then I take another sip and voila the alcohol burns down my throat.

"oh this is way better." I smirk.

"what did you do with your drink?"

"I spiked it. In year three, me and Draco found that spell that adds any alcohol you want to literally anything you want. It's been a lifesaver quite a few times already." I chuckle.

"please do that to my drink as well. I don't think I can get through the night without being at least a little drunk."


I spike her drink as well and then some slow music starts playing so we dance a little.


Overall the whole slug-thing was somewhat boring, but we stayed to the end to maybe even get a little extra credit in potions.

The next day, I wake up with quite the headache.

My head is pounding and it hurts to look straight forward, "I shouldn't have had all these drinks." I whisper to myself.

I know exactly how much alcohol I can hold without having a headache in the morning and yet, I still always manage to drink more. It's like a curse.

I decide to pop an aspirin, the best muggle invention ever, and take a shower before going down to breakfast.

Most people on the Slytherin table, that were invited to yesterday's party, were quite hung over and just sat there like living corpses.

"morning Iris, how was yesterday?" I ask as I sit down next to her and shove some food on my table.

"it was just perfect," she airs, "Pansy kissed me at the end and asked me to the yule ball."

"what!" I shove all my aching aside for the moment and look at her with wide eyes, "that is so great, what the hell!"

"yes it is, I can't believe this is happening. So for the yule ball you need to help me look for a dress. I need something sexy but not too sexy, and something that says 'I desperately need to be your girlfriend please'."

I look around to see if Pansy is anywhere near us, but to my surprise, she isn't yet, but probably still in the 'i'm trying to convince myself to get up' stage.

"I think I have an idea. What color should it be?"

"hm well white is my favorite color but I don't exactly need to look like I am a bride at a wedding, so I think dark purple would be a fit."

"sounds good, we'll for sure find something."

"thank you Lily, so much." she squirms.

"Of course, now eat, you haven't touched your food yet." I snicker.

She immediately digs into her food and I go back to being my miserable aching self.

I think about Iris and Pansy for a moment again and smile to myself. I kinda miss that feeling.

Thinking about the whole relationship thing, my eyes wander over to Mattheo, who has seemingly been staring at me for quite a while.

His eyes soften and he looks at his food again. His eyes are so beautiful, I could loose myself in them. And his hair- merlin I love his sweet brown locks.

Why can't I have what Iris has? Maybe with- no no he would never want that and it wouldn't work. I can't think about something like that.

Not with this person in my thoughts.

I think about it the whole breakfast, trying to convince myself to stop but I can't and eventually I come to a conclusion.

I fancy Mattheo Riddle.


I've honestly waited so long to write this sentence it's crazy.

Also do we like all these parties? So much is coming together!

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