02 | Classes

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"fuck me, I have Transfiguration with McGonagall first," I read of the sheet I got my classes on, "anybody else in that suffering?"

It's only been two days back in school again and having the Lopez Siblings around but we already acted like a family again, which means much to me. Although I still haven't talked a word with Mattheo. He hates me, he hates everyone.

"yup." Iris nods along with Enzo, Theo and Blaise.

"Anybody got Defense Against the Dark Arts with Snape in second period?" Tom utters perplexed, "oh bloody hell it's a double lesson." The last Subject we all need is Defense Against the Dark Arts. We all grew up with psychotic Dark Wizards that taught us more than our liking.

I look on my schedule and nod, "yea, and I am already considering killing myself."

Tom looks at me amused, "well now I know at least someone is enjoying it as much as I am."

"I can almost feel how you are radiating joy, like stop, don't be so fucking happy for us, mate. I'll suffer with you." Draco says mockingly. We truly act like siblings, always on each others ass about literally anything.

I stick my middle finger in the air with a smile on my face.

"guys, I hate being the time manager but if we don't leave now, we will all be late for our classes and McGonogall is gonna think that we were having an orgy or some shit." Iris reminds us all, she is our constant clock and always gets us everywhere on time.

"oh fuck, thanks Iris, I don't know where we would be without you." Blaise sighs.

"well definitely not on time." I chuckle. I can be so funny sometimes.

"very funny Lily." Iris snickers.

She always calls me Lily even though that doesn't have much to do with my real name. But once, when we were like ten, she decided, she wanted a nickname for me and kinda just started calling me the weirdest name until she got to Lily. Ophe-lia so she made Lily out of Lia.

She then pushes all to leave for our classes. As we get to the transfiguration classroom, some students are already sitting in their place. I see some familiar faces like Cedric Diggory or Hannah Abbott so I know at least there are some decent people here.

I sit in the back row with Iris, like we always do when having a class together.

Transfiguration in fifth year was immensely boring so I hope this year we learn at least something useful.

"Good morning Students and welcome back into this new school year. This year, the difficulty in Transfiguration will increase as you must all write your N.E.W.T.s next year. Today we are going to start with non-verbal spells. Is someone here willing to enlighten us about this topic?" McGonagall says as she looks through the whole class.

Non-verbal spells, seriously? That's way too easy.

"how about you, ms Malfoy?" she asks rather demanding, looking straight into my eyes. Normally I would ask which Malfoy she means but as she is looking at me like this, I doubt she means my sister.

"A non-verbal spell is a spell, that is performed without having to cast the incantation. It requires quite some mental discipline and some spells might not work as well as with the incantation." I explain, already bored.

"that is correct. 5 points to Slytherin." she nods.

Yay another five points that mean nothing, because Gryffindor will, as always, win the house cup without having to do anything, all because of stupid Potter. I have no doubt in that.

After that, we just talk about different spells for a while and even try them out until the lesson is over and she dismisses us.

"Iris, see you in study hall?" I ask her as we both take our books and leave the classroom.

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