17 | Worry

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Now that we are driving back to Hogwarts for the second half of the year, me and Mattheo already have to start acting like nothing more than friends.

At the moment we are sharing a compartment with Theo and Blaise, so we can act like the actual couple we are.

I'm leaning against his shoulder and he is stroking my thigh as Theo speaks up, "this plan is fucking awful. Please don't date Potter."

"i'm fake-dating him, considering he will want to date me. Nevertheless, I did push him away from me for years." I say. This would be the only flaw in my plan I can think of, rejection.

"are you kidding?" Blaise adds, "almost every guy I know would give everything to be with you for one night, let alone date you."

"i'm flattered, but also I couldn't give less of a shit. Mattheo is the only man who I want to date." I smile up at him.

He grins down at me and pecks a small kiss on my lips.

Theo rolls his eyes and makes gagging sounds, "how much I adore young love! Get a room you two."

I chuckle at his behavior while Blaise slightly leans forward to Mattheo, "but seriously mate, I wouldn't know what to think."

Mattheo breaths out and squeezes my thigh slightly, "I trust her and we all know it's a good idea."

Theo and Blaise nod briefly and eventually agree.

After the train ride, as weird as it feels, I part ways with Mattheo and after dinner, I make my way over to Potter.

As he sees me approach, his face falls into a confused frown.

He was talking to Ron and Hermine as I walk over, "uhm hey Harry, could I talk to you for a moment?"

Harry looks between his friends and me for a moment before nodding, "sure I guess."

He follows me until we reach a not so full corridor.

"uhm what's going on?"

"okay, so I know that we never really talked much, probably because i'm a Malfoy and you are a Potter, but I wanted to tell you something. I tried to push that feeling away but I think I might like you." I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible while internally gagging.

"uhm." he starts, dazzled.

"I know that it's completely out of the blue and I understand if you don't like me. I just wanted to tell you."

"but isn't that weird? Considering the history you and Reid have?" he utters perplexed.

"We are friends and don't feel anything for each other anymore."

"uhm okay."

"and I'm sorry for how I always treated you."

"It's okay. I understand that. And you don't just like me because i'm the chosen one right?"

"oh no no I couldn't give less of a shit about that. I like you for you." I lie, my eyes soft, "because of the way you treat your friends, because of the way you look and act."

"i'm flattered really." he says.

Okay this plan seems to fail already, he is seemingly one guy that doesn't want me.

"but you don't like me that way, I get it." I utter and look down at the ground.

"no no uhm. Actually...," he stops and I look up with hope in my eyes, "Would you want to go on a date with me sometimes?"

"yes I would love that." I smile wide.

"great, uhm, i'll see you later okay? I gotta get back to my friends." he smiles back at me.

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