03 | Tryouts

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Quidditch, you either don't really care about it, or you are massively dedicated to it. And some of my friends are in the second group, so I watch them every year at the tryouts.

They are today so we, thankfully, don't have any classes. The Gryffindors start, then the Slytherins, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. I mostly stay for Gryffindor and Slytherin but sometimes I just sit through the whole thing to see a few familiar faces.

"I don't get why you sit through our enemy's tryouts." Iris rolls her eyes as we sit down on a good spot to see everything.

"I'm there to support Reid and if you had a girlfriend and she were to be in a different house, you would do the same." I nod at her.

She raises her left brow with a smirk on her face, "jokes on you, I would never fall in love with someone from a different house." She says proudly.

"yea but only because you are still after Pansy. Seriously you should let her go." I advise her.

She has been after Pansy for two years minimum. Of course she dated some people here and there but her heart still belongs so this one girl, and to be honest, I don't even see what's so special about her anyways.

"shut up, they're coming out." Iris hisses and makes me look at the pit.

Harry seems to be captain, the way he stands in front of them all, Ginny next to him. Some others like Ron, Reid, the Weasley twins or Cormac, that asshole, are seemingly trying out as well.

Harry says a few words before they all get into the air. I cheer for Reid even though I am quite sure he will make in on the team like every year in his usual position, a chaser.

While observing the tryouts, I circle back to what I had said earlier, "but Iris, I hope it doesn't hurt too much, because before it does, I will erase her out of your mind myself and you can always come and talk to me, you know that right?"

"of course I do. Thanks." She nods with a smile.

"good, cause that's what sisters are for."

"also I am keeping my options open, it's not like I only wait for her. I heard Daphne likes me so I might give her a chance, you know." she shrugs.

"whatever makes you happy, sister." I chuckle before focusing back on Reid.

Their tryouts finish quite fast and as Harry announces the team, Reid jumps in the air so I'm guessing he got on.

I snicker to myself at his amusement, "excuse me for a moment, will you. I'll go congratulate him."

She nods and I quickly get down on the field, running towards him. 

"I did it!"

"I knew you would get in." I smile before pulling him into a kiss.

His hands travel down my back as he pulls me close to his body. It's been a while since we were close so we kinda got carried away.

"get a room you two!" George Weasley yells, followed with a chuckle.

I pull away from him and bite my bottom lip, looking over to them, "my bad."

"don't worry," the other twin says loudly, trying to blow it off, "ignore us, keep going!" he smirks.

I smirk back at him and shake my head. After giving Reid another small peek on the lips, I say goodbye and get back up to Iris. While I do, they walk back inside and the Slytherins start.

She is already laughing as I reach my seat again.

"what?" I ask.

"while you were sucking the face of Rosier, you had quite the eyes on you."

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