36 | Found out

844 21 4

Tw: slight sexual content

Halloween was great, there is no doubt in that, but having classes the day after sucks big time.

We partied forever, stayed up late and were drunk out of our minds.

Now my head is pounding, i'm hungover as fuck and I can't properly focus on anything Snape is telling us. I think we are repeating defensive spells, so something easy and I don't particularly have to listen. I just look at him and nod sometimes so he doesn't give me detention for not listening to his stupid lessons.

He then finally dismisses the class and I make my way to the infirmary to get something for my head. As I finally reach it, I thankfully get some potion.

I down it quickly and even though it tastes like trash and almost makes me want to gag, my headache becomes better by the moment.

I then make my way out of the infirmary, but bump into Ron and Hermine.

"oh hey you two." I greet them with a fake smile.

"oh hey, we were looking for you, mind if we talk to you for a moment?" Hermine asks while intensely looking at me with a frown.

"oh no problem." I shake my head while thinking about the reason.

They pull me into an empty classroom and after they locked the door, they both pull their wand on me.

I raise my eyebrows and I can't help but smirk at their foolish antics.

"so what are we talking about?" I ask calmly while sitting down on a nearby table, crossing my legs like a lady would. I put my hands in my lap and show them, that even though they think they have the control, they really don't.

I quickly speak a silencing charm, not wiping the smirk off my face.

"you did it! You killed Harry!" Ron suddenly yells.

"why do you think that?"

"we know it. I wasn't sure at first but then it all made sense. You got together with him to be close to him, you two never were close. We tried telling him it was a stupid idea, but you already had him in the palm of your hand. And then one day, he just vanished and you kept your stupid act up."

"Harry was right, you really are a bright witch." I chuckle.

They both shoot me a glare with furrowed brows.

"you're a death eater, aren't you?" Ron now speaks up, his voice being more shaky and unsure than Hermine's.

I roll up my sleeve, speak a short spell and the dark mark appears, "I have been one, longer than you would like."

"but- but we didn't see you at the masked-ball." Hermine stutters.

"ah when you killed the Dark Lord, right? Do you know who was fighting at his side?" I smirk.

They look at each other, visibly scared, and as they look back at me, Ron utters, "you?"

"no, dummy, his son, Mattheo Riddle, though he might be more familiar to you two as Mattheo Lopez. You two think you are so smart but in reality, you are just lucky at every fucking turn." I hiss, my expression now turning rather serious.

"no that's not possible." Hermine mutters.

"oh but it is, i'm almost sad that I will have to end our lovely talk here in a while."

"you can't, you don't have your wand." Ron notes and Hermine adds something, "and your silent magic simply can't be that strong yet. You can't fight us."

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