39| Studying

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"happy valentines day, love." Mattheo surprises me by sitting down next to me.

I jump slightly, "jeez you scared me."

"sorry, I didn't mean to." he chuckles.

"no problem. Happy valentines to you too." I smile, dismissing the thought that I completely forgot that it's valentines today.

"You've got time?"

I look down at my book and then up at all the books I still want to read. I thought that staying in the library would get me more privacy but I guess I thought wrong. I just came here to study since our N.E.W.T.'s are coming closer and closer and I don't really like the thought of that.

"I really need to study." I urge.

"well, I could help you." he suggests.

"sure, but that's not very romantic." I chuckle, "and I doubt that we would get anything done."

"I have a romantic studying idea. Also, there is still plenty of time until our exams, you should really allow your body to relax a little more." he shrugs.

"go on?" I ask confused.

"it's in the restricted section, do you trust me?" he asks, doing the puppy eyes he knows damn well I can't resist.

"ugh fine." I groan and get up, "what are you thinking?"

"you'll see." he smirks mischievously and I already know that this won't be good.


After we studied for about an hour, we both come back to the common room, fully exhausted and uniform sloppily buttoned. Both our necks are covered in love bites and our lips are swollen. I managed to comb through my hair with my fingers a little so it isn't too messy, otherwise it would probably look like Mattheo's right now, very frizzy.

Draco notices us sneaking in, and immediately stops us.

Having a head boy as a brother has its good and bad sides.

"Ophelia? Mattheo? What were you two doing out so late?" he shoots us a questioning look.

I try to cover my marked neck as good as possible with my button-up and nod.

"we were studying in the library." I answer shortly.

"Studying?" he looks at me, not buying a single word we are saying, "studying what exactly?"

I open my mouth to answer but Mattheo is, once again, faster than me, "human anatomy." he says, biting back a smirk.

I hit him on the arm and immediately after, a small "ow" escapes his lips and he rubs the spot.

I shoot him a glare and he immediately gets the hint.

"I should go, I still have uh- homework to do." Mattheo mutters and walks past us, up to his dorm.

"mind if I join you then?" I ask Draco.

I haven't been alone with him in quite literally forever.

He nods and gestures me over to the couch.

I limp over to the couch and sit down next to him.

"you have a limp, are you hurt?" he asks me concerned.

"not in the way you are thinking." I chuckle.

"ah I see," I snickers, "the studying appears to have been very intense."

I blush and turn my face away from looking at him.

We sit together in silence for a while until he speaks up again, "you know, me, Iris and mum missed you at home over Christmas."

I have always had a closer bond with Iris than with Draco, but we both appreciate each other like crazy in secret. He is still a brother to mw and I would do almost anything for him.

"I missed you too. The Malfoy family is dramatic, but I kinda missed that drama, to be honest." I admit slowly.

"I mean, we all grew up with it, of course it's weird when suddenly everything is different."

"yea." I air.

"was it at least fun here? Only Tom and Mattheo were here to keep you company right?"

"yes it was fine, Tom even got me a present. Dare I say I was shocked." I chuckle.

"Really? Well I would have been too, if I were you." he laughs, "what did he get you?"

"a beautiful bracelet with a few charms." I nod.

"well he's definitely a man of a few words, yet good presents."

We both let out a short laugh.

I debate whether or not to ask something but in the end, I force the words out of my mouth, "did Lucius ever say anything about me?"

Draco looks at me and considering the regret in his eyes, I have my answer.

So I quickly change the topic, "well how are things with Astoria?"

"great, like always, I'm really glad I found her, she's like my other half."

"i'm very glad to hear that." I crack a smile.

"yea," he airs, "and I suppose things with Mattheo are good too?"

"ah yes definitely."

We talk a while longer until we both head off to bed.


Weeks and weeks go by and the stress only builds up more and I barely find time for myself anymore.

School is the absolute worst.

On my way to Herbology, a familiar face suddenly calls out my name.

I turn around and see Reid. Reid?

I furrow my brows as he catches up to me, "hey." he says.

"uhm hey." I utter slowly.

"I know we haven't talked in a while but now that our school year is nearing its end, I just wanted to tell you good luck for the exams and basically a happy life, I suppose."

"thanks," I give him a small smile, "you too."

"So I heard you're with Mattheo now?"

"you did?"

"rumors spread very fast in Hogwarts." he chuckles.

"that's true. Well yes I am, have you been dating anyone?"

"oh yea, you know Parvati Patil?"

"oh yes, she's a lovely girl. She's also a Gryffindor right?" I smile.

"yea she's my girlfriend." he nods.

"good for you, I hope she's the one. I would talk further with you but I really gotta get to Herbology."

"oh yea no problem." he smiles and I keep on walking.

I am really glad that he found someone who makes him happy, but sometimes, now that the Dark Lord is dead, it makes me wonder.

What if Reid didn't find out about Tom and if I had stayed with him. Would he be the one, I would be marrying now? Would I have stayed away from Mattheo? Would I have ever managed to have control over Lilith?

So many things would have been different and it makes me wonder.

But I should live in the present and I am more than glad, that I am with Mattheo now and have this perfect life, as perfect as it can get at least.

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