28 | Answers

967 23 5

It's been a couple of weeks since we made my discovery. We have not yet told the Dark Lord but i'm supposed to do that today. To say i'm scared is an understatement really.

But at the same time i'm thankful that I don't have to be more scared because i'm afraid of one situation.

Everything comes together eventually.

"so what do you wanna do today?" Mattheo asks, traces of him being out of breath earlier still being in his voice.

What started as snogging on my bed now ended up with me on top of a shirtless Mattheo. We were gonna do more but then we kinda just stopped, stuck in the moment.

I look down on his torso while he holds me in my place by my hips. Merlin, his defined abs, the way his muscles flex when he squeezes my hips or moves his hand, he is just overall so utterly perfect.

"how about we just stay in bed for a little longer?" I suggest.

"sounds perfect." he smiles up at me. This perfect smile, I would simply die for it.

I have seen all the scars on his body by now and I think I could pin point each and every one. The ones on his chest, his arms or his face, but all of them make him even more handsome.

I slowly place my finger on the biggest one on his abs, earning a gasp, before tracing it and many more.

"they are so beautiful." I air while glancing between his eyes and the scars.

He swallows another gasp and puts a finger on my chin to make me look at him.

His soft eyes are full of love and I swear, I could get lost in them, in those big brown eyes.

"I don't think I have ever loved you more than I do right now." he breaths, "I love you to the moon and back. I really don't deserve you."

"no no don't even think about that. I love you with every beat of my heart more and more. I couldn't live without you, ever." I reassure him with a nod, "So don't you dare say that you don't deserve me."

His eyes slowly wander down my body until they land on his hands. He gives my waist a squeeze, "you'll have to eventually." he sighs.

"what are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"did you forget? You'll get married to my brother in a year time." he utters as his expression turns sad.

"maybe we'll be lucky and something will happen so I won't have to. Either way I wouldn't leave your life. I'll still be there." I shrug with a small smile, trying to see the positive side.

"mhm." he presses his lips into a thin line.

"I know you don't like the topic but how come you aren't arranged to anyone? I mean Draco, Iris, hell, even Tom is, why not you?"

"because Father wants me to rule as the next heir but still have children by Tom."

"but shouldn't he be the heir then?"

"Father knows that i'm the better leader and that Tom would only do what's best for himself, he always does. And then his children will be the next heir again. Why I won't get married and have children myself is a mystery to me but i'm also glad to not be tied down...I suppose."

"that makes somewhat sense, though I must say he doesn't always just do what's best for himself."

"oh yea?" he smirks at my words.

"do you remember the night of the yule ball when he kissed me?" I grin back and lick my lips.

He grits his teeth and and digs his nails into my side, "yes."

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