Something Stronger Than Blood

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Oracion's POV

"Up, c'mon." Freya tugs at my arms, eventually tipping me enough to where I either fall off the bed or decide to stand on my legs. "Don't you want to go see your brother?", She asks with a semi-pouting face.

"Of course" I rub the back of my head after flipping on some new clothes she put beside me. Feeling her eyes linger across my scarred body and catching a glimpse of her sad gaze.

She opens the door, waiting for me to exit first in front of her. "What's with the hesitation?" She holds her hand out for me to grab.

"I-uh...broke another one." I admit, referring to the sword.

"Again? How?" She continues to question as we walk along the lit street path.

"I'm not sure, I'm using it right. I know I am!" I try to explain, getting a little bit too in my feelings and shouting a little. "Sorry" I state as we continue walking, noticing she covered her ears in expectation of my raised voice.

She uncovers her ears, continuing to walk beside me, "Maybe it's your brother who can't make the swords properly?" She laughs a little.

"Not at all, he makes everyone's weapons, it's just only mine that we find to be broken or chipped." I jump to his defence, taking another step forward but being pushed by Freya to the side as she tries to make room for herself.

"Walk in a straight line Oracion, how hard is that?" She keeps an arm between us, attempting to force me into my side of the street.

"How's it my fault you ended up in my path?" I ask.

"How's it my fault you walk like a toddler, did you skip that age or something?" She asks back rhetorically, receiving nothing more than my smug grin in response.

"Oh look, we're coming up to his place already, let me go on ahead and ask Aeron myself." She grins back, suddenly getting a hop to her step as she speeds up to enter the blacked out building before me.

"Wait!" I try to catch up to her as she barely opens the doors, sliding through with her smaller body before closing it on my face. "Oi Freya!" I bang on the door as an audible click sounds from the other side, indicating she's locked it.

I take the time to look around, seeing the walls on both sides having weapons hung from it, free for anyone to grab and use. 'Not very safe, but I doubt anyone's dumb enough to take from Aeron'. I think to myself, eyeing up the weapons from a mace, to a shield, to a crossbow. Nobody's quite too sure where he's learned his craftmanship from, and honestly not enough people have questioned it, not that they've needed to anyway.


"So what?" I respond to the voice from behind me.

"So why are you outside, and not in?" He asks.

"Cause my wife locked me out, again." I laugh while continuing to slide my finger down the steel.

"Freya, again?" He confirms as a large arm is placed around my shoulder. There's not a lot of people taller than me in this place, and he for one, most definitely would be able to.

I spin around in his arm, glancing up at the only other emerald eyed man in this place. His head carrying jet black hair striped with a grey line on the side. "You broke another, didn't you?" The muscles in his arm begin to tense as if warning me of the wrong answer.

"I actually just lost it this time" I smile with glee but he continues looking down at me with an unsatisfied glare. "I lost it after chipping it." I look down, expecting to be choked out quite frankly but his feet move away from my sight and instead replaces his arm with a meaty hand that roughs up my hair.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now