I See You

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Oracion's POV

As the flame flickers, I can't help but watch the dark dancing around it. I fold my legs, sitting peacefully and watching it guide shadows, shifting and turning around the light. My heat beat seemingly syncs with it, with each flicker came a beat. Back and forth, back and forth they continue to create some sort of musical.

"What are you going to do next?" Aeron's frame appears from the shift in light, briefly illuminating a wall and making him visible.

I don't answer him.

"Do you think you truly tried your hardest there?" He laughs at me, stepping forward a bit.

I again, don't answer him.

"So that's it? You're just going to sit here, slowly losing your mind?" He asks, stepping forward again but I need him closer.

My mouth won't move until I know for sure.

"You could kill them, you know that right? You've gone your entire life stopping those who cause harm. Who could realistically stop you if you just gave yourself the chance." He stands over the flame.

I look up, feeling an uncontrollable smile write itself across my face as I confirm my thoughts. "My brother's eyes are green, but I feel like you knew that already." I look up at the shadowy figure wearing my brother's appearance, all except the eyes.

He doesn't look shocked or surprised, instead shaking his head as if to deny it. "You've...without a doubt, been talking to your brother until recently." He walks around the flame, crouching just beside my ear. "Or are you truly seeing things?" He asks.

"Aeron can't enter this place, that's all there is to it. He'd be killed." I answer honestly.

"Who pulled you out of the snow?" He asks in return.

I can't answer.

"Have you been truly losing your mind or is your brother not who he seems to be?" He questions as he steps in front of the flame, but crouching to directly face me this time. "Or am I the one who's lying?" He opens his eyes, showing the same emerald as Aeron's for the briefest second before returning to a dull brown.

I slightly push myself away, becoming more uncomfortable with each passing second. But even so, the figure steps forward, attempting to reach a hand out to me. "Do you remember the way he used to protect you as a child...?"

I begin to nod but he shakes his head in rejection. "No, I don't think you do. Why are you lying?" His hand strokes my face gently. "I didn't want to interfere like all that time before" His hand reaches around my throat, "But you just can't help but hold back, can you?" He tilts his head with a sigh of disappointment.

Before my mind can even process it, my body's lifted against the wall. Repulsive sounds of something gagging, choking to death even, gradually filling the room as the flame's light thrashes harder than before. My vision is lifted higher and higher as the realisation hits me. 'I'm dying, aren't I?' I think to myself, unable to even see the figure anymore.

I begin kicking repeatedly, aiming at absolutely anything my body can reach. 'I could just let him?' The thought crosses my mind but my body continues fighting.

'It would be so much easier, wouldn't you agree?' I ask myself.

My foot begins kicking the wall behind me, over and over. Powered by nothing more than a sad desperation. 'We can trust him." My mind wants agree but my body declines every offer other than saving itself. Kicking again, again, again...and again until the candle's flame is expelled from the sudden wind being released from the wall collapsing.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now