The Fool

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Oracion's POV

I went on to explain what happened to me within Eragon's castle, but with each explanation, she only seemed to lean further away from me as if her attention was being diverted elsewhere. "Your words tell me stories that your soul disagree with, why is that?"

I hold the head of Eragon, still not entirely comfortable with the outcome of what he allowed, something he continued to manipulate until the very end. She places a hand along my chest and hair, "Even so, your appearance...I don't think this silver will be going anytime soon...but that piece within you that died upon first meeting me-it's been filled with something new" She forcefully examines my mouth, checking the elongated fangs and gently rubbing a finger across them. "Aluca was a sort of balancing this world goes through from time to time, much like you simply can't take a piece of her like that and continue to go untouched." She looks over at Ira, making her way over to him.

He raises his hand, attempting to stop her from approaching. "Be still" she commands him, stiffening his body to the point of a near comatose from the lack of oxygen his body's receiving. "The royal who's inherited the last of the vampire's lineage, I congratulate you on being able to survive the ordeal within the first place." She lowers her gaze to meet his frozen state eye to eye, "But you've got a long way to go before you're anywhere near Eragon." She laughs, letting him breath as normal.

After all this questioning, I can't get something out of my head. "So how come you're here?" I ask her finally.

"I had sensed the Moonlit Festival was going to occur tonight, and as such I had to seek shelter as best as I could from the moon. However, who would of thought the two Apparatus would call towards each other and match our fates once again?" She looks around as if trying to find something in particular within the room.

"Two?" Ira asks.

"The castle Aluca built is surely remarkable, even to where they consider it a living organism much like this world down here." She explains whilst opening up a doorway to a place further within the library.

"Wait the festival had already occurred? Why's it happening again, in such a short period." I stand up, wanting to follow her.

"As much as these Sene abandoned their humanity, it seems they simply cannot get over their faith...their belief in their moon goddess to say the least." Her tone seems to dull a little as she continues on, "They hide from the sun with their light refracting stone, but peer upon the moon like it can save them from Eragon, cure them from this state they willingly sacrificed themselves to. Do humans often make mistakes just for the attention of gods, or are they just that deluded and confused?" She asks us.

"I-" Ira attempts to answer.

"Apologies, I didn't mean to directly offend you. As it seems even you have sacrificed that part of yourself, Ira." She turns forward again, introducing us to a larger open space that appeared to be living quarters fit for people like us with a simple kitchen and bedding.

"We got the cure from Eragon's it's fine, Ira can go back whenever he wants, right?" I ask him.

"Yeah for sure, whenever I want." He confirms while making his way to one of the rooms.

I sit down along a large rectangular table where Mousai has already made herself comfortable, placing down the necklace that once again appeared within my each. "You really need to stop losing this." I comment.

She looks at it sadly, touching the place on her neck and it seems as if she only just now realised it was missing. "Thank you." She places it back on her with the utmost care.

"Someone spoke through it, I'm not sure who but it sounded like a few similar voices, siblings?" I ask.

She laughs, "Haha, the necklace only allows for a singular word to pass through at a time. What did Z ask you?"

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