The Curiosity Of Stars

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Oracion's POV

"Well here we are" Requis opens the door to her home, not that I haven't been here before but rather, rarely find a need to visit other than to speak to her brother. "Indura!" She calls out to him, hoping to get his attention for me.

The pitter-pattering of feet alerting me of his approach as he slides in from the next room, "He's here isn't he!?-" He stumbles as he loses his footing on the rug in front of me, falling into my arms as I just barely catch him.

"And here I am, as I promised" I smile to him while pushing him back up to his own feet.

"Let's go!" He quickly runs back to his room, once again almost slipping.

I look towards Requis as if to ask for permission to follow, receiving her nod as a response. "Once you're done, I want to talk to him about what Xandier said back at Aeron's place, mind if you could stay for that?" She asks.

"Of course." I quickly respond, taking off my shoes and placing them to the side.

"ORACION!" I hear him scream in the distance.

"You aren't gonna fall apart from me being any faster, give me a sec!" I scream back, earning Requis' annoyed gaze as our voices take over the home.

I walk down the hall, turning to the left where a light still remains on. Pulling a chair from behind his door and placing it beside his bed as I lean forward. "So what do you want this time? A dream of mine? An experience? A distant memory?" I ask him.

"Memory!" He shouts.

Placing a finger on my lips, "Shh, other people around your home are trying to sleep." I try to hush him.

"Sorry." He apologises as I quickly smirk a little bit at his understanding.

"This isn't exactly my own memory, but rather a story I was told from Xandier himself." I begin.

"The Chief?" He asks.

"The one and only." I continue. "Back when his hair was coloured and his skin was filled with youth, he was running around the Veil."

"The thing that surrounds us?" He asks.

"If you ask every little detail then this is gonna take a bit" I laugh at his curiosity but nonetheless he stops asking questions. "Once upon a starry night, he glanced up as he usually did. Eyeing a star in particular, one that illuminated a small space around it. He could of sworn it was so close he could grab it, and with that thought, the sheet of darkness released it."

"Just as quick as it began falling, he began chasing it to its destination. Faster and faster he found his legs carrying him, and only once reaching it did he realise, it landed just barely outside of the Veil. What he described next was something that similar to the same aurora that made up the Veil itself, a mesmerising white glow swirling around a beast of dark."

"What went through his mind at the time? Was he doing it patiently? Curiously? Out of Fear? Whatever it was, he waited for it to emerge from the near never-ending pit that its impact created. Hearing its stomps thud the earth with each effort it took to meet him beside the Veil. It was only once this beast got close enough, did he realise its size. A mere claw being the same size as Xandier at the time. His eyes trail the beast upwards, tracing its body and forever remembering its design."

"He said its skin was made up from the sheet of darkness that covers the sky at night, wearing the stars that decorated it like veins. And it was here, where he first innocently believed to be the beast, quietly standing just in behind the Veil with its eyes closed. When this in fact, was his first mistake, for the beast was in actuality, very, very much staring at him. Its eyes replaced with a space of void, a dull orb of black that shows no signs of where its truthfully looking."

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now