An Unrecognised Masquerade

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Oracion's POV

"Ready to go?" I tap on Indura's back, encouraging him to join the rest of my group of 30 or so individuals.

"Whenever you are!" He cheers but insists on staying beside me for the time being, not wanting to join the large group of people standing around the gate.

"Be sure to take care of him" Freya rests an arm behind my back, looking equal height to Indura as they briefly smile at each other before Requis takes the spotlight.

"Are we fighting together!?" He quickly jumps to her, showing a minor strain in his new armour.

"I'd love to kid, but Xandier specifically wants Oracion to look after you. And...we don't usually fight alongside him." She answers honestly, causing Freya to frown.

"Good luck!" I hear from someone in the back, changing the focus on me.

"Good luck!" Another one calls out, probably relatives of those who are heading out.

Reminding me of Ira, "How'd it go for Ira yesterday?" I ask Requis.

"That's the thing! When I got home, he said nothing much happened. If anything, there were less than before." She answers with a little bit of confusion.

"How many are there usually? Of these Shadow things?" Indura jumps in.

"Uh...I don't typically count. Their bodies sort of disappear afterwards, and from that I'm a bit too tired to even care." I try to recall, only ever remembering the times that Requis has called out an unsettling amount, one I don't particularly want to reveal to him.

"Are we okay to head out?" Akira walks into our small circle, looking better than yesterday luckily.

"Yeah I guess we ar-" I place my hand in place of my sword, realising I still never received my sword from Aeron. "Shit" I deadpan, flicking my head in the direction of his blacksmith.

I felt my instincts take over as my head pulls my whole body a step back, responding to a sharp whistle of metal cutting through the air. And sure enough, between the centre of us, a sword lands cleanly into the stone of the ground. "One of my finest! Don't break it you idiot!" Aeron shouts with his back already turned, uncaring whether or not the throw killed someone.

"I" I continue. Leaning to pick up the sword from within the stone, almost being blinded from the reflection of the radiating Veil. I swing it once or twice, jumping back when the stone cracks a little bit more from some kind of aftershock, 'Xandier's gonna kill me' I plea before placing it into my sheath and standing over it with my foot to cover it.

"We're heading out! Plan sits as usual, you all remain together with Requis in charge!" I shout, pulling Indura closer to me as I continue. "This is the first time Indura's going out and Xandier's requested that he stays with me!" I head forward with him alongside Requis.

"See ya, Freya!" She waves, prompting me to do the same as the gate begins to close behind us.


I'm not particularly strict about the form my group takes while making their way there, but one thing for certain that does bug me is the clunking and thudding from the weighted steps of their feet. I feel my face tense as I try to block the sound out, becoming more frustrated the longer my ears become overstimulated.

"You okay?" I hear Indura call, forcing me to look up with a smile to him.

"Yea-" I go to answer, being cut off by my group as they all begin talking amongst themselves over something.

"Oracion?" Akira asks in between them.

"What's up?"

"The Veil..." He points at it, changing colours with its iridescent glow.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now