Who Even Are You Anymore?

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Oracion's POV

'I'm dreaming, I know that much' The thought echoes through the dark starry sky. The ground covered in a thin layer of water that ripples as stars fall onto it, all leading back to me at some point.

I don't always dream, if anything I rarely do. 'I never understood the point in them.' My projected voice once again ripples throughout the water, causing small homes to rise from them. All the wooden doors open at once, followed by small pitter-patters along the water, hundreds of tiny ripples forming in the wake of footsteps.

I walk down the clear open path for myself, avoiding the ripples as best as I can but eventually stumbling into something not so visible. A child void of colour, a simple outline that could be mistaken as a hollow pencil drawing. I place my hand on them, granting them a blue colour that fills their vessel.

The sensation surprises me a little but feels oddly familiar. For each scampering ripple I can see, I reach my hand over to them, colouring them blue over, over and over again that weirdly places a smile along my face. As I spin around trying to catch them all, I halt in my place as I notice a red one. Running around just like the others except there's a clear smile along their face unlike the ones I've been interacting with.

And just behind him, a man of red just taller than me. Reaching his hand out and filling those without colour to that same red. He doesn't have eyes, he doesn't even have a smile. But for some reason, all the will within me is wanting to challenge this man.

Quickly, we both dash between the last remaining ones as they all begin to gather behind me or him, with the blue around me and the red around him. Just before his last one attempts to group with him, I grab the figure. Tracing blue lines across their skin until the red shatters like glass onto the watery floor, encouraging them to join my own group.

Brief features appear along his face to show his expression of rage towards me. For someone so human, I can't perceive how much his face did not take the appearance of one. He walks towards me, grabbing the figures behind me and corrupting them to red.

I follow suit, going to his own group and purifying them to blue. A sound like pressure to glass each time either one of us touches the figures, shattering them across the floor until the two groups are entirely swapped. I'm not sure why it's getting to me so much but I can feel the anger boiling inside me, making my grip tighter with each grasp.

The last one turns from me, their smile fading as they attempt to run away from me but I manage to grab the arm. Tensing and clasping my hand around their wrist until eventually the entire body shatters. I look at the ground, kicking the little red shards around out of curiosity. 'You had one job' I murmur to the dead outline.

Turning around to see the red man standing just feet from me, his face somehow even more pissed than before. 'Why go through this much effort? Just to go against me?' I ask him.

"Does a father truly need a reason to fight for his children?" He answers me with a monotonous voice. His words causing all the figures to stand behind him, marching forward and tainting themselves red in favour of him.

A phrase I've long forgotten. A phrase I've heard once before. "You know me, you just don't remember me" He asks before stepping closer and placing two fingers under my chin, "Or do you?" He directs my head to face the reflective water as it shows me, grasping him by the throat. His struggling thrashes causing the water to ripple in my vision until it feels as if I could fall right into the image.

I kneel down, placing a hand inside and being pulled in instantly. Grabbing hold of whatever's in front of me and strengthening my grasp. The stronger I grip, the more it becomes clearer to me. His red skin coming back into view as I lie atop him with my hands around his throat. Anger that's not my own, filling me and boiling to the point where I want to crawl out of my own skin...I need to crawl out of my own skin.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now