Till I die

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Oracion's POV

With our eyes locked together, our breaths synced and our goals opposed...I can't help but acknowledge his wicked smile in the moment. His blood coils from behind me, wrapping around my hand and the hilt of the sword unbeknownst to me, pulling it from me and throwing it into a nearby gear in the wall that forces the mechanism to stop turning.

"Tss" I kiss my teeth as he sprints towards me across the blood lake, hardening the blood along his hands like armour as he throws out a punch.

I meet it with my own but the sheer amount of force shocks my entire body, winding me as a deep crack opens up along my arm through the bone and skin. 'Again.' Aluca's voice advises within my head as blood creeps out of my own skin, covering my arm and stitching it back together instantly.

Again, he throws another punch, resulting in the same pain and injury for me. 'Again.' She advises once more. This time I grab his fist as he throws another punch, stopping the force and attempting to sweep his leg from under him with a kick. But his blood hardens around his body again, causing that dreadful pain across my body as my the bones in my leg crack.

'Ignore it'. She advises, my body once again stitching itself back together again but this time faster than before.

Eragon stomps in response, rising spikes from the floor that pierce my arms and torso. Clicking his fingers to release them, only to stomp again to make them rise again and again as my body can only keep healing away the holes. "Oracion...you just...excite me...so much!" He near enough giggles to himself before stomping for the final time, shooting a singular pillar through me before making it disappear as if it was never there.

Just before I hit the floor, he kicks my head and sends me soaring through the room and into the gears. Some sort of blue electricity begins to trace around the room as the cogwheels struggle to maintain themselves. I look above me, noticing my sword within an arm's reach.

I place a hand along my stomach as if the hole's still there, but it's already gone. Eragon walks towards me steadily with his hands in his pockets, "Phantom wound? Let me tell you a secret." He gradually walks into my blind spot of my missing eye, a much slower healing than the other parts of me. "It doesn't get any easier." I shudder from feeling his breath along my skin.

I look behind him, trying to reach for the sword but he pulls it with the blood, throwing it across the room again. "You really have to stop losing that." He laughs but I feel it. An answer from inside me that's attempting to solve the riddle.

I tighten my eyes shut, focusing what I can to my eye and forcing it to heal faster. Standing to my full height and reopening them to Eragon's sadistic smile. "How long has it been since someone's stared at me like that?" He clicks his fingers, sending a wave of thick blood towards me as he first did when I entered his chambers.

I charge towards it with my bare hands, feeling them singe under a boiling heat as the skin tears away and heals at an equal pace. More and more I apply pressure to this brick wall until it eventually bursts around me as I barrel roll through it and far past Eragon.

Picking up my sword, I stab it into the ground to regain my balance. Looking back at him as he stands with his arms held out with open palms. "How long has it been since I've had to bleed this much?" He asks as a crimson mist, far darker than the ones throughout the castle begin to raise from evaporated blood.

The whirling coloured wind now completely covering his figure as he blends into it like a cloud. A slash across my skin appears like an ice cold breeze along my goose bumps. 'I finally understand it.' I think to myself.

'The overconfidence', Again a wound appears on my wrist but all I can do is grip my sword tighter, again, again, again and again. 'The delusion of my strength', My body's attempting to react to it all but his presence isn't even here. That breath of life all things need to take...silenced and muted for this specific moment 'The inexperience of the world outside the Veil'. But amongst the quiet, just barely louder than my blood splatters, I can't help but listen to the sound of electricity running throughout the room. 'It feels like...I should of died long ago.' Blue light specifically lines the walls as gears spin faster and faster.

Creation: The Primordial Era (Creation Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now